An epic chart comparing every science fiction spaceship ever

All good points. This was just my speculation - trying to get at the difference between what present day humans have actually done and what human SF writers think makes a good story, versus what a sufficiently advanced spacefaring civilization might actually do. Thanks for the extra info!

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Today I learned a new phrase: “size queenery”.

I suspect I was better off without it, though.


All ships are technically space time ships.

It has about the same frame rate too!


You’ve got an interesting notion of “streamlining” if you think it applies to 99% of those.

According to the creator, the TARDIS is in fact there. It’s parked on the Red Dwarf, occupying one quarter of a pixel, and it also contains the entire image and everything in it.


I have to start a movement getting professional writers to stop misusing the word “epic”. Lovely Graphics and all that, but there is nothing heroic about it.

Will it be an… wait for it… epic movement? :smiley:


I had one of those this morning. The bathroom was off limits for hours.

In WW1 the trick was an empty artillery shell, hanging in the trench and banged with a piece of metal to signal a chemical attack. From that the bang-a-metal-object routine developed. At my elementary school we had a red-painted piece of pipe “knee” hanging next to the principal’s office for that purpose. It’s just a few days when I learned about its trench pedigree.

Well, it’s directly applicable to the situation; a “size queen” is someone who’s overly concerned about penis size.

Oh yes indeed!!! it will be a truly heroic, herculean, and very frustrating endeavor. Peeps just seem to want to talk like a 1950’s sitcom character; Maynard G. Krebs.

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You a mathematician by chance? Did you work it out with a pencil? Just a rhetorical question by the way. I haven’t had to talk potty matters with an infant in many moons now.

For that matter, the Carrier from the graphic novel The Authority should also be included. Its big enough to place on the map, that’s for sure!

Oh, yeah, I googled it. (Which is why I said I was probably better off not knowing, if you get my drift.)

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