An interview with Jordan Peterson, who believes in witches and dragons

Leftist on JP:

He’s a fucking Alt-Reich supporter.

Actual alt-righter on JP:

So we can conclude a few things: that a Jewish television producer put Peterson on the map, that Jewish-dominated mainstream media outlets give him incredible coverage and access, and that his fierce pro-Jewish stance indicates a loyalty to the Jews supporting and promoting him. This makes Peterson essentially a tool of the powerful Jews backing his weak, inconsequential pushback against radical leftism.

I recommend everyone who genuinely thinks JP is an alt-righter because he stood beside a frog in a picture to read the full alt-right article breaking down who JP is from itself.
Martinez Perspective

As JP so eloquently put it:

But of course, I literally showed you JP calling Hitler’s men “barbarians” and referring to the Nazi acts as the product of endemic spiritual corruption. Now if that doesn’t convince someone to rethink what they’ve been told about someone who has been talking against Nazi’s for literally 3 decades like JP, then what will?