Anal oxygen administration may be life-safer

So watch out for open flames when you fart?

It does sound like it will end up being some niche application if it does translate to human application. I mean if it was fully developed now it could possibly be used for the COVID patients to prevent them from getting up to the ventilator stage.

I also wonder if there would be any meaningful uptake if instead of carbonated drinks one tried oxygenated drinks. Again with the warning of open flames.

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William S Burroughs, too, I’d wager.

I keep thinking of this.


Just don’t try to buy that disc on ebay…


Anime News Network is reporting that the technique is called the “EVA method”, partly as an acronym for “enteral ventilation via anus”, and partly as a reference to the LCL liquid breathed by the pilots in Neon Genesis Evangelion.

Props to ANN for the still they chose to illustrate the story.


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