:) and :D


son, there ain’t no YOUTUBE in OLDSKOOL

                       .M@  7MM$
                       .M6    MMM1
                        M6     oMMW
                     U26MMEW:   iMM7
                   zW9MM7;6E#6  .oMMi
                   MM#@M0   EM;   QM:
                   $M;6M;   9M: . WM,
                     0MM@MMM2. 9M;ZM,
                        MM8#@MW;  WM,
                      .AMMM6oc  . 0M,
             1MMM6    QMn;:    .i8MM  @MM@.
           ;M$7XMMM: QMM      :.cMB:ZMMW7IME
           nMS   CMo MB     .:,9MMi MM    MM
           iM9  oMMi.MA   .ii,,#M.  @MM,  M@
             6MMMB ;MMv  .:,,IMM@   ZMMMMM.
                io 8M;  .7zSMM$0A.YME.
                t@MMMMM$$MMMM@ .#Mb.
             vMMMM..,iCbb2c   9MMM@c
           ;##X;:;not7     iSbMB.:c9@z
           SM1     .CMI   .MM       MM
            .oBBBW00BMt   .B@00QBBB0;.            

hokay, dere aint no gifmations in oldskool neither so whatevs i guess

Ridin’ off into the sunset on a westbound ass, some divine rays emanating from its eastern end.

The image is altogether too vivid in my own mind, but I lack the talent to give it visual representation. (And anyway, it’s far too late for me to worry about endangerin’ my immortal soul over it.)


I suppose it depends on how oldskool we’re talking… Geocities was basically an eye-bleed-inducing animated gif collection.

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Steampunk Bananas are the future.


I think you might be overthinking this? It’s just HTML, right?



I will display :spades:

I will display ♠

Well yeah that 1f918 thing is Unicode 8.0 proposed.

lol I dunno. the pic says “U+1F918” but what you wrote is 🤘 so obviously “U+” is shorthand for “add some code ahead of this sequence and then put a ; at the end” which is de rigueur for you and surely many others, but which could not be more foreign to me.

anyway, now i know the trick : )

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