I’ll start the worthless internet petition!
I don’t think he has seen that one. I will look it up.
Direct from the creators:
I’m in love with the books, but they are a fair bit different to the show.
My husband, too. He introduced that show and Sex In the City to me. He loves female comedians and is better woman than I.
I’m not the person coming into communities to helpfully give an authoritarian opinion on what is worthy of expending valuable time and mindshare on. At least we have some comparison from an expert in having the most time to spend on worthless endeavors.
I actually didn’t enjoy the books. I read the first two or three and I found Phyrne more obnoxious than charming. I think it’s Essie Davis that really sells the show for me. I’m aware I’m in the minority on that, though. Most people seem to adore the books.
Wil this be the subject of a forthcoming critique to be published in Gender, Place & Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geography?
Yea that one gives me a weird spot to be in. On the one hand it looks like it’s going to be a bad movie on its own and worse for having the ghost busters name attached to it. Let’s be honest, use imagination and gender flip the cast and redo both trailers. It still looks like a steaming pile. Even if you sub in the cast from the original it’s a steaming pile. The writing looks to be just plain awful.
However my fear is because it will bomb execs will go SEE! Female driven casts bomb. No More whenever any project with a mostly female cast is proposed. Hell the tinfoil paranoid me sees that as a potential reason and damned the money Fox was willing to blow how many millions just ot keep the fantastic four IP?
So do I use my money to tell these people that the idea of a blatant shitty reboot/remix/re-whatever with a piss poor script is OK so long as it’s women? Or do I risk helping torpedo potential future projects that feature women in more prominent roles by telling them that I hate the laziness of what they’re doing and hoping to make bank off of an existing brand?
Vote with your money and go see Eye in the Sky. It’s a female led movie with good writing. It deserves more appreciation.
Did not know this existed. I shall have to see what it is about. Thank you.
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