Originally published at: Angry Karen educates Dunkin Donuts employee, explaining that a dozen means 50 donuts | Boing Boing
Well duh, it’s 13.
I think this is related:
Since ancient times, pandemics have spurred sharp turns in political beliefs, spawning extremist movements, waves of mistrust and wholesale rejection of authorities.
(Emphasis added: like, for example, mask mandates.)
And with pro-level mask malpractice, also.
And I thought I got pissed when I say a couple of something and I mean two, and people don’t follow.
People thinking 50 donuts is 12 is a perfect example of why teachers are not paid enough in the US, as well as why its a good idea to go into diabetic nursing as a career.
I hate these stories. Stupidity, aside, what happened next?
Maybe it’s just me, but I get the feeling that statistical discussions about epidemiology aren’t going to be persuasive with this person.
Also, I wonder what she thinks a “baker’s dozen” is. Fifty-leventy?
And if twelve turned out to be fifty
I’d feel nifty
27 posts were split to a new topic: Think of the Karens
Dozen = 12
Baker’s Dozen = 13
Karen’s Dozen = 50
I weep for our country.
It was always soul crushing to me to have a patient come back in for a BKA after I spent countless hours teaching them about managing diabetes during their last hospitalization.
(This is in cases where the patient was well educated, comparatively affluent, and had a good support system)
The stupidity is the point! If you start looking for context, it might detract from your sense of moral and intellectual superiority.
Not just a sense. It’s real superiority.
What context would you need to see in order to say, “Oh, okay then”?
LOL. 50??? HAHAHAHAA! Ok, lady.
I weep for my country.
I’m not sure she actually believes what she is saying.
This could be her trying to scam a few extra donuts by being angry and insistent. This is a thing people do, and it sometimes works because the boss won’t miss a couple of donuts, and they are not paid enough to deal with this kind of BS.
I wonder if she has the same expectation when she buys eggs.
Dunkin Donuts is an AUTHORITY on what a dozen is.
In our house “a couple” is always an odd number, crazy I know, but that’s how we roll.