Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/13/unmasked-woman-filmed-berating.html
“The more I see of humanity, the more I love my dog.”
Works in healthcare? Hopefully not for long.
She might be working in the prison laundry soon.
I’ve been trying to work out or cope with what’s up with these folks. “These folks” include my own mom and the HUGE man in the store yesterday who took personal offense that I was wearing a mask, making a point to follow me outside and stare at me as I got in my car.
These people are scared, and they’ve been told to cathect their fear into anger at librul “pussies” like me. And they must be really afraid. And that’s a lot of potential rage. November is going to be a hoot.
Hopefully this video really does go viral and she goes down.
Me, too, and I think you nailed it with the fear aspect. But I don’t watch the same news as they do, so don’t know what tripe they’re hearing.
I don’t get how they can’t understand that my wearing a mask is for their protection. For all the workers who have to go to work so that I can get groceries. It’s baffling.
This fact, if it’s true, is as stark a warning you’re going to get about what the second half of this year will be like in America.
We started early in Arizona. We wanted to get a head start.
still havent adjust to real people yet?
Bonus points for making me look up and learn the word “cathect”. Thank you, Internet stranger!
Oh, yes.
My theory is that wearing a mask has become a dog whistle for gun control. (In these people’s minds). So walking around without a mask is tantamount to open carry of a firearm.
Spot-on. And now they’re also scared about losing their skin privilege. When the second wave hits in the fall (thanks to the irresponsibility of their leaders now) they’re not going to react in a productive way to a new lockdown.
That glance into the camera… “Woops, my life just changed”
And just as lethal.
“You’re a pussy! You’re a pussy!”
Well, you’re a supreme asshole.
She needs to be both fired and arrested. Here is to hoping that at least ONE of those things actually happens.
That could mean she’s a cleaner in a clinic after hours…