Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/18/karen-who-cant-believe-she-h.html
Good riddance.
No Shoes
No Shirt
No Face Mask
No Service
It’s really quite simple Karen.
This is why this fall is going to be a full-on disaster. There are a hell of a lot of people like her out there, and only a few businesses that are actually willing to actually enforce the rules trying to keep us safer, and it’s only going to get worse. We are fucked.
She’s apparently also a flat-earther, if reports are to be believed.
'Nuff said.
And yet she couldn’t see the store from her house…
So true:
“You’re infringing on my rights to possibly make elderly people deathly ill oh my God”
I’d bet folding money that she’s an anti-vaxxer.
She is 100% full of shit, of course, but it made me wonder: is there any conceivable medical condition that would actually prevent someone from wearing a mask?
Yeah, but so’s karen.
Her bullshit-immunity system is compromised then. She probably also leans towards Sovereign Citizenship too, with their love of chanting magical cheat codes against any rules that they don’t like.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
There is a direct cause and effect relationship between people protesting safety precautions and spreading plague
Extreme skin sensitivity on her face? But I’ll bet cash she wears a ton of makeup.
There’s stuff online in sovereign citizen circles advising people how to invoke the Americans With Disabilities Act to avoid wearing a mask. Her explanation is straight out of that material.
The great irony is that the folks currently challenging private businesses’ right to refuse service to maskless people are largely the same folks who once argued that private businesses should be allowed to refuse service to LGBT people or minorities.
Funny how Fox News is telling people everything is okey-dokey but still won’t return to their studio
I wasn’t aware that stupid was covered.
Yeah, that’s what get’s me about SCs. Even if you bought their “legal analysis,” why do they think mentioning them to police would allow them to beat the ride? Whose motto is generally “If in doubt as to whether anything illegal has been done, arrest them and let them fight THAT out with a judge.”