Angry men stamp their adorable little feet after Marines degender job titles

Who is “you” here? Who are you replying to?


There is nothing wrong with foot-stamping and hemming and hawing at change. The Marines are a pretty change-conservative group. It kinda makes it so that you know what to expect out of them in most situations when you want them to do their thing they do at the gates.

But let me say this: After years of being pushed around, called faggot and sissyboy, and watching the words woman & female being thrown like an insult by “change-conservative” bullies that also throw bottles and fists … there is a lot of comeuppance that people on this side of the fence have dreamed of dreaming.

So while I appreciate the history and military culture lesson … shove off.


I think Antitank Gunner sounds pretty bad-ass too :slight_smile:


I was referring to the people who mock and insult service members, in a way that makes it seem that they have real contempt for them.


It might be something about being paid to go overseas and shoot non-white people being the primary use case of our military for, I dunno, fifty years.

I respect people I know individually who are ex-military oftentimes. I have zero respect for the military as an institution. I was raised by people who largely protested Vietnam and grew up around fucked up vets that hated what was done to them and why.


This seems like the thing you actually cannot reasonably infer from the comments posted so far. Can you demonstrate your reasoning more rigorously, please?

Could you please provide some evidence? I suspect you’re really mistaken about the disbursement of funds within the US military.

At the very least, I’m fairly certain that it is the billions of dollars spent on failures like the F-35 stealth fighter that are diverting funds from the routine maintenance of combat gear and healthcare for returned soldiers rather than the (I suspect trivial) amount of money spent on “sensitivity training” and similar.

Is that actually happening, or is this hyperbole?

Can you show us the comments complaining about the changes due to the deaths caused by the change of priorities? (We’ve already seen comments that suggest it is due to marines’ offended senses of masculinity rather than any deaths caused by the new titles, so prima facie this seems factually incorrect, but I am absolutely open to evidence to the contrary.) Can you demonstrate the monetary costs of changing the titles and put those in the context of other spending by the US Marine Corps? Can you provide the number of deaths that can be positively attributed to this change of priorities and explain the methodology used to derive that number?


Best thing about the Marines, they do what they are told to do. They will adapt to this the way they adapted to integration - by being the strongest most aggressive cohesive fighting force the world has known. Go Marines!


I’ve always thought of Marines as some of the baddest ass bad asses around. The toughest of the tough. Yet there’s a group of men in such a tizzy about something as trivial about this? (And by “trivial”, I am specifically referring to how this change will impact them personally).

Maybe they aren’t so tough after all.


Dude. Most of these comments are showing a remarkable level of respect for the Marine Corps and Marines as professionals. I’m pleasantly surprised, in fact, as I was expecting less respect to be shown, so I have to ask, What are you even doing?

Are you pissing on my leg and telling me it’s raining?


Mariness has a nice flow to it.


Ugh. The pic is of Marines urinating on dead bodies. Why would you even use that pic?

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Because they did it (and similar things) in the last few wars?

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Again, who’s doing this? The only mocking I’m seeing is directed to the misplaced anger toward changing job titles to something gender neutral (and I’d argue even more badass than before.)

See, those points are worth expressing anger about as these are actual threats to yourself and your team. Getting your undergarments in a twist over job titles? Not so much.


They’ve come a long way, baby.

I agree with this sentiment but I dare not express it out loud in today’s current military-as-hero worship.

Today’s military are indistinguishable from a typical mercenary - professional soldiers paid to follow orders and do the dirty work of their corporate masters.

It’s hard to suppress my gag reflex every time I hear the “thank you for your service” platitude.

Not because I don’t respect and appreciate the shitty position our troops are put in - but because this “service” is 100% voluntary and a job that soldiers willingly sign up for with full understanding that they’re getting paid to do it and not out of a grandiose sense of patriotism (although some exhibit this and frankly, I find these types very scary with an attitude of extreme jingoism).

But soldiers are paid not to think so I suppose it’s really not their fault - they’ve been duped just like most of the rest of America to believe that military=hero and we should praise and worship warmongering as the highest form of diplomacy.


Really well-said, thanks.


I mean, I get that, obviously. But it’s neither relevant to the topic, nor something I want to share on my timeline. And if you think I’m an asshole for not wanting to post pics of dead people being urinated on, that’s your problem. But I don’t.


My uncle is a Marine, a Vietnam vet, and (tragically) a Trump supporter. And he’s also been championing female Marines on Facebook. Like come on guys, if the old guy who can barely figure out the internet is oorah-ing his sisters in combat, so can they.


Perhaps I’m reading too much into your comment but it sounds like you have a problem with transgender people serving in the military. After all your claim about uniforms is wholly made up and, for someone who’s complaining about a group of people who’ve historically been respected and even praised allegedly not being treated with respect here, your comment suggests a pretty poor attitude toward a group that’s been historically marginalized and mistreated.


They’re not soldiers, they’re marines. Soldiers are in the Army.