Originally published at: Animals are "shapeshifting" to cope with climate change | Boing Boing
Friendly reminder that many of the folks who don’t believe in global warming also don’t believe in darwinian evolution
I’m glad to see that my preferred “just use a bigger heatsink” approach to minimal-math thermal engineering can now be described as ‘biomimetic’ rather than merely lazy.
The question is; can they adapt quickly enough for their species to survive?
That’s a very strange statement. Measuring temperature change as a percentage doesn’t make any sense mathematically unless you’re discussing absolute temperature on the Kelvin scale. The global average temperature is somewhere around 287 Kelvin. A 6% increase would be 304 Kelvin, or an increase of over 17 degrees.
The denialist nonsense has thankfully been removed, but this I think can be something useful to understand. People often point out carbon dioxide is a small component of the atmosphere and only absorbs a small amount of the radiation going to space. And it’s true…but then difference in temperature between now, the ice age glaciations, and the Cretaceous hothouse are only on the order of 1-3% changes. We live on a planet where water exists in all three states; it’s sensitive.
The way things are going we may soon live in a country where water is only available in certain states, none of which are in the southwest.
Don’t worry. I’m sure there are lots of large corporations that are willing to strip other areas of groundwater, bottle it in difficult to recycle plastic, ship it half way around the world, then sell it to you at a premium.
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