Originally published at: Anonymous hacks printers in Russia and prints out anti-Kremlin messages | Boing Boing
(The Berlin anons were snappy dressers.)
A better use of the trick than weev’s.
Well pooty poot won’t like that.
He’s going to be playing whack-a-mole given all the holes in his janky “national firewall”.
From the linked article
An earlier tweet claimed that the hackers had reached 156 printers so far.
“We have been printing anti-propoganda [sic] and tor [browser] installation instructions to printers all over #Russia for 2 hours, and printed 100,000+ copies so far,”
That’s ~651 copies per printer. Who’s refilling the paper trays? Do these printers still have ink? Where are the printers? Who owns them?
Love the mission concept. So many questions about efficacy.
How sure are we that this is true? I mean… Newsweek is kind of a joke now.
Perhaps Anon has done a ‘proper’ hack of the printers’ queues and whatever users think will print out, will still come out as anti-Krem stuff.
The plan is to bankrupt Russia by forcing them to buy replacement ink cartridges.
That might work. Printer ink is still more expensive by volume than currently elevated gas prices. It’s certainly more valuable than the Ruble.
First the planet, then time.
The reporting side of Newsweek still seems to be okay, but the editorial end is turning to mush.
It must be a strange place to work.
Geo-fenced replacement ink cartridges, mind you.
Like the WSJ: solid reporting on the news side, koo-koo bananas right-wing op-ed pages ( going back before Murdoch).
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