With this video, as with the previous similar occurrence, I wonder if I’m not watching evidence suitable for a criminal trial. Or failing that, a civil one. Remember this news item, also a video? Apparently, captured video rises above the level of hearsay evidence when the constabulary decides to pursue it.
Matthew 5:39, biatch.
Please keep your religion out of it.
I would have tossed the wallet back, left the phone right where it was, smiled and said “Have a nice day”.
I don’t think the motorcycle was upset at the car turning into the road; he honks to try to get the driver’s attention w/r to the wallet. Then he drives quickly up to the car to return the wallet. Unfortunately, from the car’s perspective, all the driver sees is some hot dog trying to pass him by driving through the middle of a mini-roundabout, normally a dangerous driving offense; giving someone the finger in that situation is stupid but not unjustified.
The cyclist - who up until then was just trying to be helpful - is probably reacting to the the idea that someone he is trying to help has just dissed him, but again the driver didn’t know that the cyclist was trying to help. I just don’t think the cyclist had the time yet to process that.
In other words, from both perspectives the offense of the other looks larger than it really was because of the lack of appropriate context.

Was the driver really trying to be a dick?
Repeatedly flipping the bird at someone who was trying to get his attention? I’d say so.
A safer option would have been to take the wallet home, find out the guy’s address, and mail it to him. About six weeks later.
If your first reaction to the unknown is to shoot it the bird you are a dick.
you should have made her get out and fight him. For feminism.
If your first reaction to the unknown is to shoot it the bird you are a dick.
Samaritan syndrome: people who think they are doing the right thing get bent out of shape when the world doesn’t welcome them with open arms.
If he hadn’t tried to do the right thing with the wallet, I betcha he would have done the right thing with the phone.
Good thing it’s in some kind of prophylactic suit so it doesn’t spread.
Eh - but it isn’t just the unknown, its a guy driving weird, in your blind spot. If I had no idea I cut you off, and then you have reved up and are by my car and I have no idea what you want, I am probably going to assume something is wrong with you.
So, this could be just miscommunication resulting in a guy feeling good about being a dick. Or it could be a guy who was a dick on purpose and sweet revenge by another dick.
Oh, you’re good.
Because the “Golden Rule” still applies.
This is where it happenned.
…still like to see the slow-moment with a professional edge
Peeps read BoingBoing because it’s so frequently true to its mission: ‘The award-winning zine, blog and directory of wonderful things’.
Somehow, videos of small-minded people taking petty revenge on each other does not strike me as being all that ‘wonderful’.
You can do better than posting videos of such petty events.

‘The award-winning zine, blog and directory of wonderful things’.
I think it’s Mostly Wonderful Things now. [quote=“theoa, post:38, topic:90440”]
Somehow, videos of small-minded people taking petty revenge on each other does not strike me as being all that ‘wonderful’.
Takes all sorts. I found it amusing, but I wouldn’t have* flipped the biker off, I’d have slowed and pulled over to let him pass.

You can do better than posting videos of such petty events.
You sound disappointed.
*Although IRL I wouldn’t have done either. I’d have screamed "WTF am I doing! I don’t know how to work one of these!!! and promptly crashed, wiping out myself and the biker in the process. So it’s a mercy that wasn’t filmed.
I can absolutely confirm your observation.