Anti-oil activists spray Stonehenge with orange paint (video)

Seems the appropriate vandalization would be of the highway next to Stonehenge, then


As pointed out multiple times above you face extremely stiff prison sentences for that.

The cars must flow! (On shitty, shoddily maintained roads as the conservatives defunded the councils)


I know the facts, I think its word salad because it doesn’t seem to answer the main question which is “How does the Stonehenge protest” move any agenda forward.

Anyway, I feel we are in the circling the drain phase of internet comment threads, so agree to disagree and have a great rest of your day.

I mean, I don’t approve of destroying archaeological sites, but this actually makes sense in a very fundamental way. It’s saying elites don’t get to keep the things they care about while they take away literally everything else from the rest of the world. If we burn, you burn with us. There’s no more straightforward act of protest than that.

Stonehenge is a mistake for that because I’m pretty sure rich people don’t actually care about it any more than poor people, but that’s where threatening priceless art – read “investments” – comes in.


I did answer the question more generally, which is about disruption and bringing attention to an issue to force action. I pointed out how disruption has been used time and again in protests. I’ve noted that these don’t lead to immediate transformation, but to gradual change over time. Pretty much everything said in this thread about how this is wrong was said about other protests that we treat as having worked to some degree. :woman_shrugging: People may disagree with the methods, but the goal is high profile disruption to bring attention to this particular cause. I’ve been pointing out how that is how protests work.


I disagree. I found @danimagoo’s post to be very informative. :man_shrugging: This wasn’t a defense of their actions, and it provided much needed context.

I think many of us can agree this form of protest is bullshit and/or counterproductive, but at least I now have a bit of understanding behind the motivations.


I don’t think it is garnering any attention for the actual issue though, and that’s the problem with this approach - if all people see is idiots destroying things, it doesn’t convey any useful message.

Is that the fault of the protest or the media? Was the “criminal elements” narrative about BLM protests or the “outside agitator” narrative of the civil rights era the fault of the activists or the media? It seems like this organization, whether you agree with their actions or not, are doing what any group does - engage in an action, put out media from their end (in this case I’m assume on all social media, etc) and then see what the media picks up. Given that so much of our media is corporate controlled, and invested in the structure of the economy AS IT EXISTS, what more should they do to get the media to get their message out and not to distort it? :woman_shrugging:

But if you read the page on their action, you’ll see what they’re attempting to get across.


It’s funny though, I hear exactly that said about every protest. How the students at university protests about Gaza were only making the story all about themselves, for instance, and yet some actually did get concessions.


Los Angeles Anniversary GIF by The Paley Center for Media


Fair enough, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I found that the answers made on their site links are lacking candour and answers. YMMV

This summer, areas of key importance to the fossil fuel economy will be declared sites of civil resistance around the world.

In the meantime, we will go for areas of key historical importance and no connection to the fossil fuel economy.


People will do anything to get on Tiktok these days.

You do realize that some people actually do give a shit about the climate emergency right? It’s not just people doing shit to be an influencer…

And I’m unsure why communicating via a platform that has millions of people on it should be shunned if you want to get a message out? Should they write it on little pieces of paper and throw it in the water instead? Is that pure enough for people here? Is that the right way to address an issue that is likely going to kill much of humanity unless we DO something? At what point do we all recognize that the boot is on ALL our necks here and it’s pushing down awfully hard.


They always have.

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And it’s not always about empty clicks, either…


Just stop Oil is the Logan Paul of the climate movement,.

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Keegan Michael Key Stop GIF by Playing With Fire


exactly, they aren’t helpful.

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unfortunately, the past has been coated with so many layers of treacle that one must consult a scholarly work to be reminded that civil rights protestors were despised for being right. if one reads enough history one soon finds that to be right too soon is the worst sin of all. premature anti-fascism was a screening tool for communism in the 50s. the number, size, and nature of the anti-war movement protests has been distorted out of all recognition. hell, the numbers and sizes of the anti-war protests in the run-up to iraq have been all but obliterated.

if you don’t like these protests and support the cause then join them and fight from the inside for better protests. if you don’t support this cause . . . oh, well.

are you talking about bp here? because if you are talking about the protestors then you seem to be making a major category error in relative harms.

at least nine times, ten if you count the link to the protest website, nine times it has been said in this thread that it was orange corn flower. pro tip: if you’re going to complain, please do so with all the relevant facts.



Except that we can’t know that right now. This might end up being a critical set of protests… we can’t know that until years from now. No one knew that events like the Montgomery bus boycott, the Children’s crusade, the march from Selma, the lunch counter sit-ins, the march on Washington, etc, etc, etc, were going produce the desired effect. We know that NOW, because we have the privilege of history on our side. We don’t know what will work in producing political change on the climate, because we’re still seeing agitation and protests on what we should do. :woman_shrugging: