Anti-Vax Arizona cardiologist also lacks social skills

If only there were some movement to advocate for the public health benefits of vaccination. We could call it “pro-life.”


Believing that diet and nutrition have an effect on general health can be a great thing, if you avoid the exit to the Land of Woo. His citation of “toxins” is a good sign that he didn’t.



Well the anti-vax and refusal to prescribe drugs that could save peoples lives.

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Naw, he’s just encouraging your kids to catch the measles, then when they’re dying of a 104 degree fever, he’ll refuse to give them an NSAID, so they can have brain damage and seizures for the rest of their lives.

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Delighted to see that I’m having an impact.

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At this point I’m giving up and viewing it as evolution in action. Don’t want to vaccinate your kids? Fine, there’s less chance that your genes will reach the next generation.

Unfortunately, evolution in action is, as ever, cruel and unpredictable. It’s perfectly possible that (especially given the difference in vulnerability between generic unvaccinated and immunocompromised or otherwise delicate cases) the bulk of the morbidity and mortality won’t even hit the children of those who chose not to vaccinate(not that this would be a terribly fair outcome unless the children also so chose); but a random set of others, with the carriers experiencing only minor cases.

At a population level, evolution may show trends in a given direction; but there’s a lot of noise involved, and being ‘noise’ is not a pleasant process for the individual.


I agree, they should be able to choose if their kids get vaccinated. But that choice would also be a choice to never let them or their children out doors and that they also choose to have a giant bubble installed around their house with appropriate airlock mechanism installed as needed.


But at least he’s consistent.

Anything bad that happens: just blame the vaccination.

“toxins” and “chemicals”! It’s a woo twofer!

Yes, that’s great, until one of those unvaccinated kids then goes on to infect a completely innocent, but immunocompromised-in-some-way (or not yet old enough to be vaccinated) person and kills them. So unfortunately, no, you can’t just say “fuck you guys, I hope your kids die”. This is why the anti-vaxxer crowd is so dangerous - they’re not just endangering their own kids, there is a genuine public health risk here. And in further scrolling down, I see that fuzzyfungus made my point much more eloquently

There is something else going on, but really, and sadly, I do not agree it is ‘unusual’ for sociopaths to think in those terms. What is unusual here s hearing them say it out loud.

You can have my beta-blockers when you pry them from my cold (but steady) hands.


I can’t even with that quote.

You know what caused my heart problems? My congenital defect that required me to have surgery at the ripe old age of TWO? My mother catching rubella while pregnant with me. There were no vaccines involved at all. That was the problem.


A ‘twoofer’?


It’s incredibly obvious, isn’t it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice.


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