Anti-vaxx conspiracy leaders back Donald Trump, claim it's mutual

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Why do you think that chimps are this impaired? Huh? Some sort of anti-chimp bias?


Fine… This is thinking on par with witchdoctors and medicine men.

Egads. This train of thought is so dangerous (to us all, not just the obviously thought impaired) that it makes me wonder if we could give free passage to all these unvaccinated (by choice) folks, and isolate them on some small island and re-institute the old policy of shipping blankets of questionable sterility…

I’m all for people exercising their freedoms (including that of being an idiot), but your freedom to swing your arms wildly ends when you’re within arms reach of me. With the anti-vax movement, there’s not really a “safe zone”…



I mentioned this over in the Have You Seen This thread but the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) have decided that anyone who pushes anti-vax propaganda will no longer be an Australian Health Practitioner.

Which is nice.


It’s hard to practice health when you’re also rejecting the single most successful and cost-effective and safe medicine we have.

It’s a bit like a group of engineers deciding algebra is bullshit and trying to build bridges and skyscrapers math-free.


Conjured an image of skyscraper with a giant gold sticker on the front that says:

“Now 200% Math FREE!”

Maybe visions from a Trumper future?


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