Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/01/antiques-roadshow-pro-accident.html
I love the British Antiques Roadshow, this guy in particular. No Ovation on Hulu, unfortunately.
They didn’t know what it was initially, and thought it was alcohol.
A witch bottle?
eta and if I read the full text of the article… yes duh a witch bottle.
Next on his “to drink” list:
Well, he deliberately drank the contents, but it wasn’t his intention to ingest urine, so that bit was accidental, anyways.
Yep. Urine, nails and hair make it a classic witch bottle of the English/American tradition. (Pins and thread being the other common ingredients.)
I guess it’s a good thing he didn’t try any of the chocolates.
Oh, I read the article and was suggesting that he was either a fetishist or under some type of, I dunno, enchantment.
It’s all urine pee pee.
Perfect for a New Year hangover Rusty.
And really, who among us can say that she has not, at one time or another, drunk century-and-a-half vintage human urine?
My life might be a bit boring, tho.
It may not be wildly out of range for a urine taster, but how do we know it was a poor quality urine?
Hint: [spoiler]https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114660/[/spoiler]
british guy would have upped his offer significantly if he knew it was antique peasant urine, the ultimate aphrodosiac that the mainsteam media don’t tell us about!! click here to learn more
yes i was drinking wine from a can in grad school because I was a keen economist making a rational, very galaxy brained choice