AOC reveals GOP's fabricated text messages in Biden impeachment inquiry (video)

It’s 2 people who are not Joe Biden discussing what he will or will not do. It’s not Joe Biden admitting to or agreeing to do anything. And I used Matt Gaetz as the example because it’s his twitter post.

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The key bit there is “found guilty” - if you don’t believe it’s possible for former President Chump to get a fair trial, perhaps because your chosen media feed you that message 24/7, then this makes sense and is consistent with those beliefs.

I think the more interesting question to ask partisan lawmakers is “do you believe both Hunter Biden and Donald Trump should be held accountable if they are guilty?”. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if a significant portion said no.

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Does “partisan” include Democrats? If so, I think they’d all still say yes.


Thanks for explaining your thinking. I didn’t get that from what you wrote.


On the other hand, it means that Republicans are complicit in the crimes of Trump, and they all know they will go down with the ship.

Give it a few more months and I expect more of the Republicans who aren’t as far-right will start to defect. Not ‘become Democrats’ defection, but ‘we need to save the party from itself’ defection. In reality, it’s that they finally understand that they need to save themselves from themselves and they will do that the same way they always have, by sacrificing other people.


Maybe too much is covered by the Speech and Debate Clause.


“So you’ve seen what’s on Hunter Biden’s laptop and it was child pornography? Where did you see this, the Internet?”


The Twitter poster on the article page is not Matt Gaetz. It is Matt Gertz, who is frequently confused for Matt Gaetz, but takes it in stride.


Good on you for speaking truth. That must’ve been uncomfortable.
I’m always kind of surprised when strangers just assume I’m “on their side” on topics like that. I mean, why even bring that up with a stranger when you’ve already found a common bond (riding, in your case)?
Because you know she only brought it up assuming you agreed with them.
Thinking about it, in my experience, it’s only right wingers who do this, and they do it both ways. Sometimes they assume I’m politically aligned, and sometimes they just assume I’m a “left wing radical” but they never bring those topics up for an actual conversation, only to either commiserate (or get angry when you don’t, like in your case) or to be combative after assuming what my ideals are.


Oh wow. I feel I owe Matt Gertz an apology. Thank you for this.


Clearly Biden only having been impeached once makes him nowhere near the leader Trumpski is with his collection of Impeachments. Plus has Biden been indicted by even one state yet?


Hey, at least their instance on untruth and your instance on truth cost them cheesesteaks. A steep price indeed.


oh, sometimes i interject into strangers’ conversations ( “someone at the bar is wrong!” ) and, for me, ive had random people suss me out by telling me about some left or right wing thing appro of nothing. i suspect because i look counter culture ish, i make a good target to either commiserate at or complain to depending

all in all though, yeah, probably right wing people more. i think it’s a form of boundary seeking. trying to figure out what they can get away with in public or something. and almost nobody wants to converse, just talk at


While it is true they’ve got nothing, they had nothing on Hillary Clinton too on the Benghazi deaths. Indeed, what came out that the Republicans refused her funding requests for more security.
But she was way way way up in the polls when those hearings started and she dropped into the 30s after those hearings.
Then in the election she lost to a lying rapist.

So truth and fact doesn’t matter here. Republicans will do what they will do.


I intended to use the word “partisan” to exclude independents, who have no stake in the question so their responses would not be meaningful. But you’re right, the responses from Democrats to that question would also be unlikely to be controversial.

Try being a fat, bald old white guy in a conservative area. The confusion and anger on faces I have seen when folks assume I will back them on fascist talking points is priceless. Not so funny is guys tatted up with swastikas calling me a “race traitor” and a few worse things. But I do feel I have a responsibility to be the “not all fat white old bald guys” representative around these here part, so there is that.


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