Apparently, Facebook is a safe haven for people who call for the beheading of public officials

Sure, he is actually asking for heads to be rotting on spikes in Washington, clearly not metaphorical at all. That’s a very reasonable conclusion. /s

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I am off FB permanently, since a few days before the election. FB is a big part of the problem.


He called for violence and he knows very well that there are people out there who can follow on this.
They alway say there were only joking to “own the libs”.
The pizzagate seemed a ridiculous claim, but a fanatic came to that pizzeria with a gun. Luckily he didn’t murder anyone, but that was only blind luck.
There is a long history of claiming to be “only joking”:


When he mentions putting Zuck’s head on a pike, that will cross the line.

When the person he’s appealing to, Donald Trump, is a diagnosed psychopath who is actively subverting democracy and working in league with violent sycophants on a domestic coup, yes he is actually asking for something that could happen for real. That is the scary part. And why Bannon needs to be banned from social media.

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I wonder if Britain and Facebook would be better now if we had beheaded Nick Clegg when he was deputy prime minister?



Britain, certainly. Not much can make Facebook any better - it’s a ‘nuke it from space’ candidate.


Zuck is still mad that his guy lost the election.

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Uh, yeah, about that…


I’m assuming you’re referring to the non-specific posting of guillotine memes here by us peons as a warning that unfettered amoral late-stage capitalism leads to reigns of terror to which not even the wealthy and powerful are immune. In which case no, that’s not as serious as someone with wealth, power and a megaphone tuned to RWNJ and other bigots calling for the beheading and piking of specific public individuals, seriously or joking-but-not-jokingly.

Maya Angelou

Whether something is intended as a metaphor is not the sole determiner as to whether it’s right or wrong. See above for details.


False equivs and pearl clutching concern:


What, this guillotine false equivalency again? That’s so played out that two dedicated topics were started about it here to avoid these de-rails.

For whatever reason, some people are invested in the narrative that BB is full of bloodthirsty left-wingers, but it just isn’t so.


As angry as I am about Western politics I started to think about the importance of words and what they mean with regard to slogans like #DefundThePolice… bad messaging for social change as it can easily be warped into ‘get rid of the police’ - these people are of no value.

In some cultures and places in the world talking about putting someones head on a spike is a call to arms and literally severe a persons head from their body and display it.

Seriously. Confronted with Trump with a weapon in your hand would you choose rhetoric or action?

Would you actually behead and save all the lives he has lost through self serving word play or just keep throwing out words into the void?

Getting rid of the police, as in actual disbanding and starting anew wouldn’t be a bad idea in my opinion. Poland permanently disbanded the most brutal police squadrons in 1989, and the benefits of that decision can be felt to this time. I’m not scared of police officers here, but I would be absolutely terrified of police officers in the US.


There was some Guardian article (about Facebook) that was the same. I think someone here pointed it out (this was 6 or 7 years ago). Sure enough, I posted it to FB and… nothing.


Interesting. A search on “NDMA” describes a toxic and organic chemical compound that results unintentionally from industrial processes. In India it’s also an acronym for “National Disaster Management Authority”.


The goal in the bulk* of leftist culture of modern OECD countries is not to reach that point and to keep these discussions of heads on pikes in the realm of general warnings, genuine dark humour (contrast with the right’s “just joking” excuse-making), and hyperbole. In contrast, when the mainstream right-wing culture of those countries uses violent imagery they’re referencing political violence that they’ve engaged in before on a regular basis and would be glad to resume on a mass basis.

[* yes, tankies are a thing, but they’re a tiny fringe group]


If there is a future worth having, Zuckerberg will be considered one of the great industrial villains.


Did you accidentally miss the /s from my comment or was it deliberate? I put it there knowing that someone would think I was serious, but evidently that wasn’t enough.

So, to state the obvious.

No, I would not kill and behead an elected politician.

However, when Iain Duncan Smith was Secretary of State for Work and Pensions I had to be talked out of going to his constituency offices and killing myself in protest at his actions. It wasn’t just empty words, my housemate found me typing my suicide note/press release. Girlfriend In A Coma (She’s Fit For Work) was not just a satirical song, that shit was really going on in Britain.

If IDS had got his way I would have literally be on the streets of Carlisle, the worst place in Britain for me to be, so I do know how it feels to be desperate. I still feel desperate because of the actions of uncaring governments.

Does that answer your question?



I had initially considered whether NDMA* was a some sort of acronym ported over from Russian, in which case it would read “HДMA.” I don’t speak Russian, so any expansion of that acronym, which seems to have no meaningful search results, would have to be explained by a Russian speaker.

Slava Malamud, Russian-born Russian-speaking U.S. citizen, math teacher living on the East Coast, had this to say about Parler:


It is, of course, one letter off from the more well-known (at least in the U.S.) MDMA.