Are you a super-recognizer? Take this test

On the UNSW Face Memory Test you scored 20 out of 40.

Doh, crappy memory confirmed.


73% overall. 29/40 and 58/80, respectively. I’d have probably done better if I hadn’t focused on facial blemishes in the second phase. The matching pics were lower res.


52%. It’s better than I expected, since I am easily fooled by minor changes in appearance like a new haircut or beard, different makeup, weight change, and so on. I consider myself to be rather faceblind.

They should recreate this study with everyone wearing masks.


I finished with 60%, but I think some of that was blind luck guessing. Some of the comparison photos were so blurry, with one or two in black and white, that I had a real hard time making educated guesses.


Based on the approximate age range of the photos I’m going to guess that I’m really bad at identifying grad students. :thinking:


I also got 65% overall. Missed a few in the sorting, I looked away when they showed the initial image. :slight_smile:


“I’ll forget your face before you even show it to me.”


I scored a 57% and feel bad about having so much trouble during the sorting section when tasked with sorting one dark haired asian face from another dark haired asian face.


26 / 40 on face memory. 52 / 80 on face sorting.

Overall, 65%


You definitely should. At the very least, I think it would be interesting to see how well you do.

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Looks like on the Face Memory 21 out of 40 and sorting 49 out of 80 for a 58%, and I really had no idea on a lot of it and some I think I got some of it by random chance. I really had to strain a lot.

I don’t have face blindness exactly but I can’t visualize things in my head and there is a relationship to face blindness.


48% Which I think is the lowest score anyone has admitted to so far? (23/40, 34/80). I’m also terrible at names. Although, unhelpfully, my recognition will often fire up false positives, “hey, that random stranger looks a bit like X” my friends: “not really though”.
Still though, I was worried that I’d struggle recognising Asian faces (because I am a terrible person), but then it started throwing up images of generic white boys and I could have sworn it was just the same bloke. So it turns out my face recognition isn’t racist, I’m equally shit at recognising people from all races.
Hooray! (I think?)


I got 58% but full disclosure I am super high on cocaine right now. But now I must know should the coke hinder or help my performance? I hope not the latter as I am already in the bottom 50%. :frowning:


that was pretty tough - trying to match a good photo against bad photos for somebody you just saw is difficult. overall I scored 68%.

Makes you think eyewitness testimony is fraught with errors.

ps Going to have my wife take it, she gets confused if movie characters change clothes. I kid her that she really has no idea what I look like.


8. What are the possible benefits to participation?

We cannot promise that you will receive any benefits from this study

Are they kidding?? We get to chat about it on the bbs! What better benefit could there be?

My overall score was 57%.

I got bored—not enough rewards, I guess. I would have liked an instant reveal for each one, of whether or not I had gotten it right (but I suppose then they’d have to make a new test for each person, so we couldn’t cheat by sharing the answers? And the whole thing wasn’t really for our pleasure as consumers, but for their research.)

On the sorting test I was basically just putting most of them in the non-match pile, since I wasn’t sure.

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31 out of 40 on the face memory, 51 out 80 on the sorting, 68% overall. My husband only got 49%, I’ll definitely be using this the next time we get into a discussion like “doesn’t this person look like this that other person we know”.

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What did you say your name was? Oh doesn’t matter - I don’t really care.

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The good news is my low memory score for faces means soon I won’t be able to recognize Trump or his children. Or at least I can hope.

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65%, so top 25%.

That’s worse than I expected before I started, and better than I expected after having taken the test.

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