Are you addicted to your phone?

The caption says “Her phone broke. Did she really have to go crazy?” (in Cantonese). At the end she shouts “Why is it doing this again?”. It still doesn’t mean that she was freaking out about not being able to play Candy Crush though. Maybe she was negotiating with the international terrorists who had hijacked the train, and keeping the line open was the only way to avert disaster?

I should really spend less time on my phone. Unfortunately, I do need to be available to respond to emails and review documents at short notice between 8am and 11pm, so I can’t just switch back to a dumb phone. I have tried changing the ringtones for specific notifications, which does help - if you only enable notifications for important emails, it also reduces the number of false positives and lets you get on with your life (and work) a bit more.


Shit, I yell at my pans with that level of vehemence. The tirade obstreperous electronics receives would singe your damn hair.


Yeah, it’s not really about the phone going dead or whatever happened to the girl in her life at that point.
Most of us (i.e. most supposedly grown-up adults) don’t have a screechy tantrum in public when something goes wrong.
While the weird squeals may be momentarily amusing, other commuters don’t really want you to drag them into your drawn-out juvenile dramatic freak-out. They really don’t.


Thanks for letting us know what it’s really all about. I was SO confused!

Thanks for letting us know you were confused! I was worried.

Are you sure you’re not just displacing your anxiety about your phone addiction?

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Yeah,me too. I find myself compulsively checking the charge on my phone, looking at the data usage, making absolutely sure it will be ready when I ‘need’ it, because I ‘need’ it a lot. And I’ve been thinking about moving to a lower-tech gizmo, just to make sure I still can. But rather the a dumb phone, I think I want to keep a monochrome e-reader ready for when I need something to read. The outside world just isn’t ready for my undivided attention.

Thankfully no.

Turning the data plan off on my iPhone was the Best. Idea. Ever.

Bless you bro.

Level 11 vegan: Air-etarian.
In this case, level 12, a hot air-etarian.


Not that it’s a big deal or anything, but I recently threw out my Google Glass, and downsized to just my Apple Watch. Who needs all that other technology?



Bespoke fire with recycled timber, if you please.


She’s clearly autistic, or something very similar, surprised no one else has mentioned it.


And don’t nobody dare break out a Bic lighter.


Isnt that ruduculousz?

Perhaps she has “special needs” and we’re laughing at her?

Us level 13s only eat cold-pressed, virgin air that has been sustainably harvested.

Your empathy is truly breathtaking.

You two should meet.


I think at this level going straight cold turkey would be best for her. That might involve some level of kidnapping, dropping in a remote location with supplies and her wits, or maybe just an intervention from her friends.

My Sony Xperia died fatally on Friday. I now have a Samsung 5s to soothe my soul and it’s desperate need to stay connected to my clients, and my wife’s honey-do lists.

I sincerely would be lost without cell phone conectivity.

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