Are you sick of "Minions" yet?

My head just hurted. What the hells? how is this a thing that I haven’t seen? Am I old?


Is there a term for it when non-canonical stuff becomes more well-known than the canon on which it’s based? Has Pissing Calvin reached more people than Calvin & Hobbes yet?

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You mean like… the New Testament?


Sure. Maybe the term is FANFIC, except I’m reconciled to the possibility of good stuff coming from fanfic, while I loathe Piss Calvin and using minions or Charlie Brown to caption irrelevant crap. I guess Schulz set himself up for recent meme re-use with those Happiness is a Warm Puppy and other books. (Which already seemed ghost-written.)

Yes, fanfiction, exactly!


holy shit. I just figured out why I’m not sick of the minions yet - it’s because 95% of my exposure to them is from the official films. I finally got around to reading the linked article, and let me just express my deepest gratitude to my online social circle that I have not so far been bombarded by minion themed meme spam


I realize that whoever wrote that was probably just following orders; but I can only hope that they are appropriately sickened by themselves; and forever burdened by the knowledge that there can be no effacing their shame and no expiation for their sin.


Except Minions as an engineered race seem to be exceedingly durable, can go without breathing, and have a boss that actually cares about them (or at least Gru gives the appearance of caring.)

That and while we see their jobs as burdensom and hazardous they seem to genuinely enjoy their work.


I haven’t really been exposed to any of the meme stuff. My kids (3 and 6) loved the first film, weren’t particularly interested in the second. But more than that, they are insane for the short films. I can’t even count the number of times that I have seen Banana, for example:


and it’s easily debunked too.

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In the future, popcorn-priced SoC chips will be powerful enough to host decent artificial intelligence. Add a mouldable mechatronics (perhaps conductive plastics, magnetic (iron/ferrite filled) plastics, or polymer muscles…) that’s cheap enough, and voila, close to the request.

AI and toys is a natural match.


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