Argentina cult worships "King" President Milei as peso becomes worthless

We could send them to South Georgia.

If Argentina invades and captures them all we can all shrug our shoulders and carry on as usual.


I am not familiar with the history of NZ in this regard so I am not going comment on whether your assertion that austerity and pain managed to sort out NZ’s problems is accurate. However, if you aren’t bringing it up as a defense of Milei, why are you bringing it up? From your description they sound like two completely different situations. Either the two countries have taken a similar path and it “worked” for one but not the other (in which case the causative relationship must be called into question) or they are dealing with a similar problem by completely different means.


I guess what I am saying is that there could have been a path for them to take the right steps to get out of their situation even if the process was painful. Unfortunately he seems to be too stupid or ideological to do the right thing so his people are suffering the pain without the gain.


In my far distant youth, I was enrolled in what I guess is the UK equivalent of the US’s ROTC. (We all do stupid things when we’re young, and this may not even have been my stupidest). One of the people running the unit was a career army officer who had been seconded to us from the regular army (a strong indicator that someone in his command hierarchy considered him dangerously inept). He was widely despised by everyone who came in contact with him: a humorless stuffed shirt who was both incompetent and unlikable.

One day, one of my friends came in, laughing so hard he could barely speak. When he was finally able to get a word out, he told us “Captain M.'s drawn a double tour of the South Sandwich Islands!”

Note: in the “Territory of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands”, South Georgia is the prize. It’s the most hospitable and desirable of all the islands in the group. The others are … worse.

I don’t know if I can adequately explain how much you have to be hated by the people you work with that your commanders decide to send you to a chain of snow-covered rocks in the South Atlantic for not one but two tours of duty. They give lighter punishments than that for murder. In his position, I’d have resigned my commission on the spot, and reconsidered pretty much every life choice I’d ever made. I don’t know what he did, but he went away and never troubled us again.


So not South Georgia then. How about…

Early discoverers remarked on the intense smell of the island, which has been referred to as “the world’s smelliest”

It’s most prominent landmark?


Not really. He was on a “private visit” to Spain, in reality to go and make campaing for the far-right fascist scum of the Vox party, and decided to pick a fight with the Spanish president cause 1) is a socialist (socialdemocrat, but that is the name of the party here in Spain) and that is the devil spawn of satan that bla bla bla and 2) another far-right organization denounced Sanchéz’s wife for corruption, so Milei went, well, Milei on that, and Sánchez got pissed. A few weeks ago Sánchez was basically threatening to resign for the “lawfare” against him and his family, then when his party said no, dont do that he got what he wanted.

Have to say that the Spanish government sorta kinda started this when the Minister of Transportation, in an act on an University some weeks ago, said basically what we all know - that Milei has to be consuming one or several psicoactive substances, if you know my meaning. Which was a very stupid thing to do. Or clever, I dont know, maybe they wanted the whole brouhaha.

On Milei and the Argentinian economy, it is true that Argentina needs a very deep reform and also some shock measures to contain what is becoming an endemic high inflation. This would be a very difficult and delicate operation to be performed with finesse, awareness of the social impact and will to mitigate it, and a lot more virtues.

Unfortunately for Argentina some of them elected the equivalent of Nick Riviera to perform the surgery.

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He’s probably too qualified. Wasn’t Vyvian from The Young Ones a medical student?

discussion anthony GIF


Ana Eugenia Clemente, a 33-year-old Venezuelan actor, clutched Milei’s new book as she exalted Argentina’s entertainer-in-chief. “I feel a deep hatred for the evil left that damaged my country and feel Milei is a person who has come to save not only Argentina, but the world,” she enthused.

Safe to say that her hatred of the “evil left” blinds her to the similarities between Javier Milei and Hugo Chavez, a charismatic populist whose fans hailed him as the saviour of the nation even as he ran it into the ground.


As a Venezuelan/Spaniard, or the other way, or well, I have both nationalities…

  1. Yes, oh yes, so much yes
  2. Depressingly common. Not unexpectedly but the turn to the right on some segments of the opposition in Venezuela makes me despair. I want the return of democracy, not Hugo Chávez but with Austrian School and Ayn Rand instead of the photocopy of the photocopy of a fanfiction about Marx. Not all of them are that way, but from the 90’s to today it went from we dont have almost any of that kind of lunatic to quite a bunch.
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It’s been terribly managed for a century or so.


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