Ariana Grande concert explosions leave scores dead and injured. Manchester police: 'terrorist incident'

Wasn’t it Blair that started that though, that they were able to treat more people because the hospitals were then able to cut down on the waiting lists

Universal healthcare seems to always have a double edge sword aspect


Apperantly the terror attack was planned, and that its a difference in culture since Western music is mostly based on vocals while (Mid) Eastern (/Arabic) is instrumental, but i still believe that’s just dumb (someone said it on CNN “yesterday” as a possible reason for it being a concert event)

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But they have been practicing for a very long time, and they have gotten better at it than anyone I am aware of. I guess “better” is the wrong word.

No, it was Thatcher.

Huh, nope. Nope nope nope. Totally wrong comparison of musical cultures.
Some variants of Islam even explicitly forbid musical instruments except for drums and vocals.

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Idk what to tell you, I’m sourcing a guest on CNN lol

That far back ¿ wow

I watched the Iron Lady, i felt like it did the oppisite of what it was suppose to do, and i ended up watching twice since the first time around someone was being disruptive

Tell that to the inhabitants of Omagh.

Sorry, but while I personally support the aims and objectives of Sinn Fein, the IRAs had their share of psychopathic monsters.


They didn’t invent terrorism. People in the political opposition, but in weaker political positions have long embraced acts like this to gain traction.

I thought it was fairly obvious I wasn’t referring to the victims and the community, indifference to the perpetrators.

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Nice shifting of the goal posts, but we weren’t talking about them, and I never claimed Islamist terrorists invented barbarity.

I was agreeing with the point of your post. Sorry I left out the /sarc tag.

d’oh. that seems ‘fairly obvious’ now.

I think they are going to end up with a different result than they expect. It is pretty clear to me at least that part of their strategy is to just keep ramping up the severity and inhumanity of their actions until either the rest of the world surrenders to them or decides that it has had enough, and is going to put a stop to it.

My posts (from before you responded to me) were addressing the assertion that killing children was a new trend in terrorism. It isn’t.

The Dolphinarium discotheque massacre in 2001 targeted mostly 14 to 17 year old girls.

Sure. They are also out to glorify themselves and pull in more recruits - both Muslims and converts to their brand of Islam. That doesn’t mean that terrorism = Islam. It’s a common tactic favored by people who are economically and militarily the underdog.

I assume you mean this one?

That is the one.

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