Originally published at: Arizona cop handcuffs Wall Street Journal reporter for interviewing people while Black | Boing Boing
Added to the list.
So basically the bank workers didn’t tell him to leave and instead called the cops and the cop told him he couldn’t do that and started arresting him despite him A) not being told to leave B) not being trespassed from the location and C) apparently only broke the law against being black in public, as far as anyone can guess.
And, if it weren’t their reporter, the WSJ would be hunky dory fine with this. Actually, they may not care even though it was their reporter, what with him being too tan to be up to any good.
In a better world, it would be The Journal of Black Wall Street.
No ̶j̶o̶u̶r̶n̶a̶l̶i̶s̶t̶ person should ever be detained simply for exercising their First Amendment rights.
It’s okay folks - it isn’t real.
Even Rabouin himself, in the interview with the local tv station, seemed reluctant to unequivocally say he thought this happened because he was a black man in street clothes. He was asked that directly, and he said, “That’s a good question,” and then explained why he was in street clothes and not dressed for work. I’m not criticizing him, I don’t doubt that he knows very well what his company’s line is on systemic racism, but it’s frustrating that even he seems to not feel comfortable saying what is obviously the cause of what happened here.
Well, OK, sure but The Wall Street Journal didn’t think leopards would eat their face!
Isn’t it disgusting to know that he was VERY LUCKY to make it out of that situation ALIVE?
In an interview I saw last night, he thought wearing a suit would have folks thinking he was trying to sell them something, the flip side of the same problematic coin – “OMG, a Black man is approaching me!”
Anyhoo, I think it’s time to put artist Alex Schaefer back into the spotlight…
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