Arizona is getting screwed on the price of a Big Mac

I was going to try going with the McDonald’s war rule: no two nations both possession a mcdonald’s have ever gone to war (only applies while they had the McDonalds, and doesn’t count any McD’s on a USA military base as being part of the country we built it in…).

So clearly AZ is attempting to drive them out of the state as part of a plan to leave the union, otherwise they will be unable to wage war on the rest of us…

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Exactly. These indicators are interesting (as are a lot of things, tbh) not because of how they effect me personally right now, but because they are exactly that: indicators. I don’t eat fast food at all, but when I was poor, like you mentioned, those dollar burgers were a real boon now and then.
It’d be interesting to see the map overlaid with minimum wage amounts, or maybe shaded in behind. Or maybe have the costs translated to how long working at minimum wage it takes to buy one.
Relatedly, I saw something a while ago pointing out that, though people think of fast food as cheap in general, if you’re feeding a family of 4 it adds up pretty quickly to what you could pay at a comparably nicer restaurant with healthier options.


Thomas Friedman came up with it in 1996, and since we’re talking about Thomas Friedman, there had already been a seven year old counterexample to hand: the USA invading Panama to depose Noriega in 1989. Have Two McDonald’s-Containing Countries Ever Been at War with Each Other? |


It’s Burger King or nothing!

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Plate o’ shrimp! From Costco food court dumps churros for a new dessert. Here’s how it tastes.:

The change is indeed happening nationwide, as the churro, which went for about $1.50, is being replaced with a giant chocolate chip cookie for $2.49.

I went in search of this food court treat at our local Bay Area Costcos. Sure enough, the Concord location already dumped the churro in favor of this 750-calorie behemoth.

A Big Mac at $5.58 and 590 kcal is about 106 kcal/USD. The cookie at $2.49 and 750 kcal is 301 kcal/USD. (For comparison, a stick of butter is about 113g and 810 kcal. As I type this, the St. Louis Fed reports the national city average price for one is $1.2625.)

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Stick of butter it is!

If it’s grass fed Kerrygold.

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I think I’ve eaten that junk twice in my life, only b/c forced to, and loathed it.

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Thank you for this.

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Ah crap, now I’ll have to unlearn the McD’s war thing (or treat it as I always should have with economic theories: rules that can be bent not laws that, um, also can be bent…help I’m having a existential crisis!).


Does anyone actually know the reason why Arizona? As a conservative state it seems unlikely they have higher taxes than California.

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You’re still ahead of the game. Friedman doubled down. Paul Musgrave - The Beautiful, Dumb Dream of McDonald’s Peace Theory.


I see that West Yellowstone, ID is toward the red end. That was my first encounter with an anomalously expensive Mickey D’s.

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