Arkansas lawmaker who pushed law protecting right to video police is arrested for videoing an arrest

You see, that is a perfect example of why the modern system is better. How unseemly to be caught in such a blatant and direct attempt to influence an official with money. Only an ridiculous, unsophisticated rube would continue with such tactics under today’s political finance system.


Or someone who knew how cheap it is to suborn officials, and couldn’t be bothered to go round the houses for small change.
(Philby, after his defection to the Soviet Union, commented that one great advantage of capitalism was how little money it took to get people to betray their country.)

The Ottoman system was also a modern system. Was bribery unseemly there?

Look bad to who, though? It won’t look bad to the majority of people in his community, and he doesn’t have to care about anyone’s opinion outside that community.


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