Arms manufacturer sponsors new opera about the horrors of drone warfare at the Kennedy Center

Originally published at: Arms manufacturer sponsors new opera about the horrors of drone warfare at the Kennedy Center | Boing Boing

Here is your unicorn chaser for that “performance”:

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This is nature of this sort of thing, especially in a place like DC. The Corporate Fund Board of the Kennedy Center includes representatives from such familiar entities as Pfizer, Raytheon, ConocoPhillips, Philip Morris, The Carlyle Group, Northrop Grumman, and Chevron. A cavalcade of corporate evil.

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

That said, my heart has grown more tender towards the American military-industrial complex over the past year. Those M1 Abrams tanks we’re sending over to kick Putin’s ass are manufactured by GD. The world is complex.


The mighty Jon Langford said it best.

“It didn’t look like a wedding
It really wasn’t my call
When it was all over.
We went to a bar, drank beer and watched basketball.”


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