Art critic says her dislike of $20,000 artwork caused it to shatter

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Hmm… And how does she feel about Donald Trump?


Seems like the critic owes the artist $20k. I’m not an expert in telling everyone what I think of the work of others, but even I know not to approach artwork and set my trash near it.


Yup, “You break it, you bought it.”


I don’t know about that. This critic has literally no other outlet for expressing her opinion of the art in a way that can be communicated to the public. Putting garbage on it was her only option!


Was it ON it, or NEXT TO IT? If she did not physically touch the piece, i dont see how she could be faulted here.


It sounds like she set the can on the glass case covering the art, shattering the case and destroying the art underneath it in the process.

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Next to it, allegedly.

I don’t think it was in a case. This is a picture of the piece from the twitter thread:


Ouch, that seems like it is more complicated then. Technically she did not touch the art itself, and there may be some expectation that the glass case covering it would be a little more resiliant. Seems like the person in charge of the case might bear some responsibility.


Huh, maybe she set the cold can on the ground against the sheet of glass and the temperature differential caused it to shatter? Odd.


That picture certainly makes it look like it would have been the artwork itself.

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This has me throughly confused too: she says “near”, they say “on” and I can see how glass with objects enmeshed in it would be fragile and you have to be a tremendous asshole to put an object on it without knowing if it’s safe.

If it’s “near”, then the fault is on the artist that miscalculated the medium that he works with and didn’t take the glass limits into consideration.

If it’s “on” she fucked up bad by changing the weight and balance adding new stressors to the material.


Near or on, it doesn’t matter. The piece had been sitting there (or at least existing somewhere) for over a year, if the placard was any indication. Her actions caused it to shatter. The actual physical reason for the glass coming apart is irrelevant, IMO.

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How do we know that if she was an hour later that it would not have shattered before she arrived? With the limited information I am not really seeing a causal relation between can placement and art collapse.


Exactly! There are a lot of variables involved. Certainly “the oeuvre felt my dislike” isn’t one lol


I’m guessing from the lack of sword-like shards that the glass is tempered, which means it’s already internally stressed to ensure it shatters into itty-bitty pieces. It’s tricky to cut that stuff, you need to anneal and re-temper, ideally. Also, if those objects were “embedded” then there was no way that the piece was robust under even tiny amounts of torsion, the smallest nick would be enough to shatter under a bit of a twist. That flimsy frame wasn’t helping, at all.

(Edit: I’m guessing the rock in the piece might have nicked the glass, at the very least)

Nope… that piece was just a matter of a short period of (Weibull distributed) time before it shattered.

Glass artists, in my experience, can be a little cavalier with engineering issues. That’s not often, certainly not for good artists, and if they are off-base then usually someone nearby flags them down before they create anything life threatening. In some cases artists advance the engineering process to be able to create pieces.


From a cursory Google this one isn’t the only glass panel with embedded stuff this guy has produced and the other pieces use the exact same frame. I wholeheartedly agree, the piece looked really fragile, a change in room temperature or air pressure could be enough to shatter it.

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I’m siding with Lésper on this one. That’s someone’s “art?” Really?


I’ve had drink glasses that were otherwise fine for years shatter spontaneously. Said glasses were certainly more durable glass than this ‘art piece’.

I have tried to shatter tempered glass with a sledge hammer, and the hammer bounced. Until I was able to chip the edge, the glass was indestructible. If it shattered here, it was from something the “artist” did to compromise it, not anything a viewer did to it.

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