Artist Andi Schmied pretended to be a billionaire to photograph the views of NYC’s most expensive homes

Yes. This is why it’s relatively easy to fool people who sell luxury goods and services just by engaging in borderline cartoonish rich-person cosplay. As I commented on the Anna Sorokin article linked above, her marks:

If you have some bling and a bit of Tom Ripley in you, you can con your way into viewing and photographing an $80-million condo with no questions asked. Or, in the case of Sorokin:

As for the “Pretty Woman” anecdotes, I lived one. After I landed my first high-paying job I went to the Armani Exchange in my Manhattan neighbourhood with the intent of buying an entire new wardrobe. I spent 15 minutes wandering around the store in my geeky normcore outfit and being studiously ignored by the salespeople, many of whom were licking the boots of customers who looked the part. Someone lost a hefty commission that day and Armani lost a customer for life.