Artist steals top 1-inch piece of England's tallest mountain

I see what you did there.


he edited to clarify that. (and that’s fine). Originally it was not quoted, but you know, going back and unsaying things when you (he) sound wrong - Easier than admitting mistake or considering possibilities.

The harder people hit on this, the more sure I am that it’s racist. Who else clings so tightly to their prior understandings of things and will argue PERSONALLY against even considering it?

I am reminded a little of the Case of the Missing Wafers.

Clearly the solution is to return an identical-looking little chunk of rock. And then grind the original to a powder and use it to prepare a homeopathic remedy that cures symptoms of, um, colonialism. That’s it.


Damn. I was hoping to get away with was was probably the pinnacle of my career in subtle humor.


Yup. Confirmation bias is a thing, and it’s basically the kind of thing I’ve come to expect you to get hopelessly mired in. Meanwhile… are you trying to tell us that an Urban Dictionary entry is authoritative etymology? We’ve got a competing Wiktionary link that doesn’t call it racist or pejorative at all, and you haven’t even acknowledged it in your crusade to prove yourself right. I wish I could say you were new at this too, but I’ve seen you do this dozens of times before. :frowning:


Man, I am looking forward to this next art movement where trolling is an art. It is going to be aggravating and amazing.

I don’t believe you wish that. Please, if you wish to insult me, use the thread daneel provided!

I was responsing to someone elses question. I’ve seen you change the context to “about @Theloverspeaks” dozens of times too. Nice high road you got there.

Seems an inch shorter from here.

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Duchamp was driving trollies a century ago.


It was 2015. The Ecuadorans, under the guise of artistic enterprise had stolen the top of Scafell Pike. We sent our own artists to Chimborazo, took a retaliatory foot off the top, and left a plate of mushy Brussels-sprouts as a warning. They doubled the number of art electives at Universidad Central del Ecuador. Their teams infiltrated and a full meter disappeared from Scafell Pike. Today the great Northern Andean Plain, and the Cumbrian Steppe are still at war, our economy is driven by the Military-Artistic Complex, and reconciliation is impossible. Let future generations learn from our terrible mistakes.


I was insulted for being Irish throughout my time at an English high school, with my own special derogatory nickname, so I certainly wouldn’t appreciate it if I had the idea that someone was using it to insult Irish people. Still, I don’t get the idea that it is used that way in most cases, and I’ve also used it without making that implicit link. It’s one of the problems I have with Urban Dictionary - often the etymologies are more a case of word association rather than finding the actual origin. This isn’t to say that harmless expressions can’t become insulting though, so I wouldn’t use it if I thought that was the message it gave.


Excellent, back to the classics!

Anonymous is dada.


How did this become about how you used it, as opposed to how the person in the article used it?

Surely a dedicated group of volunteers could restore the mountain to its proper height? It worked in that Hugh Grant movie.


So your citation is a random stranger on the internet told you so?


Aren’t all artists trolling?

As far as you’re concerned, yes, sure. Whatever you need to believe.

I want to assume good faith with you but you’re making it really hard! What’s with all these fatuous comments? If you’ve got any evidence to support your etymology, please present it. If not, considering that there’s a very plausible and innocuous alternative explanation, maybe don’t assume that anyone using the expression “take the mickey” is a racist for doing so.


Edit: Gah! It’s Ecuadorian, isn’t it?


Well, you do, on a regular basis. That’s why everybody’s always trying to take the Mickey Bliss out of you.


yes, now I am not here in good faith! Qucik, cast -me- as the racist. You could set a world record for table turning!