As Trump blames assassination attempts on Kamala Harris, video shows Alex Jones saying, "Please, kill him!" (video)

In a sane world, freedom of speech be damned, this would be incitement or even conspiracy and these stochastists (hmm - stochastopodes?) would be in prison already.


They’re the bully who dumps orange juice in your hair and hits you when the teacher isn’t looking. If they can provoke a response, then anything they do is now ‘self defense’ or a ‘he started it’ situation, not their fault. If someone, anyone, kills the orange turd, they’ll haul out the old libertarian “Assassination Politics” whitepaper and start offing their opposition, and justify it by saying it is the other side’s fault. At the very least, if all the candidates are dead, the Supreme Court certainly will be asked to decide the outcome of the election. That won’t end well.


STOCHASTIC TERRORISM Definition & Meaning |
the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted:
The lone-wolf attack was apparently influenced by the rhetoric of stochastic terrorism.


Tell that to all the Muslims rounded up since 9/11 who committed NO crimes at all… as @Melizmatic noted above, rich white men get away with this shit all the time, where others do not.


I think it’s this kind of thing. Like basic abuser + money combo with whatever political/religious flavor works to keep the grift running.

I think somewhere this particular cult had a leaked audio making the rounds online where the higher ups discussed the murder/suicide and fires comparing them jealously to Waco and saying theirs will be bigger. The ultimate event was triggered when the leader ordered a hit on a rival in the cult which was carried out and found himself with no real way to avoid accountability.

So familiar.

The reason is really just… no one stopped them.

I think this is the nature of MAGA, its fragile personalities, and where the cult is headed too. The question is how many people have to die before anyone stops them.


… it’s only valuable if he keeps doing it

Otherwise there’s nothing to sell :roll_eyes:


That has been a witch hunt based purely on ethnicity/religion ever since 9/11. It is not so much what is said but “find a reason, ANY reason.”

White men, who had connections to violent white supremacist groups got very different treatment by the FBI, going all back to the 90s. Unlike post-9/11 reactions, which saw attacks on Muslim communities, the FBI treated the OKC bombing as a “lone wolf” incident, and did not start mass surveillance of white supremacist groups and militias, despite the very real and ongoing threat to public safety they posed.

So, again, it’s “legal” for white people, not for others.