As Trump blames assassination attempts on Kamala Harris, video shows Alex Jones saying, "Please, kill him!" (video)

Originally published at: As Trump blames assassination attempts on Kamala Harris, video shows Alex Jones saying, "Please, kill him!" (video) - Boing Boing


The Secret Service will show up at an Internet forum where some pissant made open threats against one of their protectees, demanding help in IDing the user. But these two creeps incite an assassination attempt as a beneficial thing and they’re still walking free (same goes for Elon Musk).


dr strangelove GIF


I’m kind of at a loss how killing Trump or anybody else benefits these morons.
What’s their end game? The Rapture?


I think your error is in trying to make it make sense. They are babbling idiots, never-ending stream-of-consciousness asshats, fantasizing about things that only make sense in their heads. And that is a place I never, ever want to visit nor attempt to understand.


It would be the start of The Cleansing, you see. And that would be a real rain, which would wash all the scum off the streets. (Which makes about as much sense as it did in the head of a certain fictional taxi driver.)


As far as I understand it*, the assassination would trigger a wave of retaliation by the babbling (but heavily-armed) idiots, accelerating the march to a second civil war which they, of course, would win.

*I mean I sort of understand the words, I just don’t understand how anyone could believe that garbage or see it as desirable.


So the ‘cleansing’ and civil war is really about race?
These dotards want to feel good about themselves and the only way they see a way forward is to have someone to lord over?
All this is so mystifying.


Ivan Raiklin was suggesting that if Trump is killed thousands of outraged patriots will take up arms and assassinate Democratic politicians and other enemies in revenge.


The Reichstag fire. A second civil war. A return to the 1850s. Genocide. Elimination of LGBTQIA+ people. Other crimes against humanity.

They have been saying the quiet part out loud for a very long time now. A martyr only helps them. Trump getting assassinated gets them what they want, having a stroke or heart attack at a rally will not (although they’ll create some conspiracy theory and try anyway).


Jesus died for our sins.

No, I’m not kidding. I wish I were, but I’m not.


Well to be fair, the USSS wants to ID anonymous threats because they don’t know who that person is, and they want to assess if the threat is credible.

When some loudmouth like Elon Musk or Alex Jones makes a threat, they know who it is and that they’re full of shit.

The problem is not that they’re making the threats, it’s that they’re encouraging others to make the threats of (or actually commit) political violence. That should be enough to land them in serious trouble.


I can explain that in just four words:

Rich. White. Straight. Men.


It should and I’d be willing to bet they get “a talking to” for it (Elon deleted his tweet and played it off as a poorly executed joke)

But 1A and all that… saying “someone should” isn’t the same as “I’m going to” or explicitly telling someone to do it.

Many other countries like Canada, Sweden, etc… have “freedom of expression” in their rights but not absolute free speech. You can say “I hate X” but you can’t wish harm on an individual or group. Their constitutions were written or revised to reflect the age of mass media, and take into consideration what making those kind of statements to the general public could do.


Yes, I know. Unfortunately it’s still legal in the US. But not in many other “free” countries, see my other comment about freedom of expression.

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I’d take that bet because, as @Melizmatic succinctly pointed out, consequences don’t apply to them.

The First Amendment isn’t a get-out-of-jail card when it comes to consequences. And it has its limits, in this case:


They don’t really have an end game. They just have a love for “righteous violence.” The excuse to commit violence IS the point. For the most part, they are uncomfortable with the moral complexity of the real world, so they want to reenact the morally simplistic calculus that we see in a lot of popular culture. The hero goes in and kills bad guys and that is what makes him a hero. Everything after the boss fight is just glossed over happy ending denouement.


How is Infowars still even a thing? shouldn’t it have been dismantled and sold by now? Also wouldn’t this podcast justify arresting them all for making threats of violence?