Assange to sue Ecuador

He’d gladly have punched some nazis, I’m sure…



New episode from

ZTR Radio

## “The Case of Julian Assange” ![](
Fresh off the press!
ZTR Radio just published a new podcast episode


In a world where information is the hard currency of power, those who attempt the Promethean task of informing common citizens of the real machinations of governments and political leaders risk becoming pariahs of the countries that control the flow of information. They tend to be the very same countries presenting themselves as bastions of democracy while paying lip service to freedom of expression. We spoke to Julian Assange’s solicitor, Jennifer Robinson, and to the former Consul at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, Fidel Narváez, about the origins of Wikileaks and the convoluted and prolonged legal case against its founder. With Juan Toledo and Andre López Turner.

That doesn’t look like apologism, though it’s difficult to tell without context. It sounds like he’s referring to the US’s big problem: there is not much alternative to Trump until the Dems are able to become the party of FDR and the New Deal instead of the neoliberal party of bankers and war. The banks crashed the global economy in an orgy of fraud and then got bail outs, bonuses and asset bubbles, while taxpayers lost their homes, work shit jobs and go into debt. Who is going to vote for that?

The Salibury poisoning story is a joke because once too many questions were asked of the official story, the gov slapped a D-notice on it shutting down all reporting. I’m not even sure you and I are allowed to talk about it :slight_smile:

Except it has been very widely and consistently reported on, even in the UK which is the only country where such a notice - if it actually existed - would hold. The only people who think there is a gag order on the story are conspiracy theorists like Pilger.

Obviously nothing will convince you that Assange bff Pilger is an unreliable narrator on Assange, and has become an unreliable narrator on pretty much everything else, so I don’t see any point in wasting any more time on this.


Pilger has recently released a hilarious book documentary about China, wherein he (of course) paints the US as the greatest threat the world has ever known, while poor China is a victim of US aggression. No mention of China’s mass detention of Uighurs in re-education camps, its belligerent attitude to its neighbours, and only a passing mention of its history of oppression and continued denial of human rights to its citizens. Pilger has been a joke for as long as I’ve known about him.


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