Originally published at: Astonishing photos of humanoid flying over Washington - Boing Boing
Why not both?
(Did Zordon come from our dimension? My memory of the details are fuzzy.)
If this is real, let’s hope it’s more of a comic book hero type and not The Flying Man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj1MqHgFnmE
Why do these silly things go viral? Look at the surrounding outline, it’s a standard shaped clear plastic kite with a picture on it. I used to have one with an eagle on it when I was a kid.
Or a mannequin drone…
Edit: Ignore the first video’s thumbnail. I couldn’t cue up the frame or the “jump to” time, not sure why, but at 1:53 it looks like the same thing.
Or a different mannequin drone…
Via Allan Rose Hill…
Washington DC?
Yes, he came from the planet Eltar which is in our dimension. When he locked Rita Repulsa away in her space dumpster for 10,000 years she banished him into a time warp (the comic books go into more detail about what happened than the TV show did.) There are more details on RangerWiki.
OK, why the fuck did I click on this clickbait. Jesus christ.
For the comments…
Boing Boing article about woo woo?
Was it posted by the woo woo guy?
Yes. Yes it was.
Either there are evildoers around, or just on patrol:
I came here to post that one.
Is it real? I’m pretty sure everything I’ve seen is “real”.
Mystery solved!