Originally published at: What is this weird humanoid figure flying over Glasgow, Scotland? | Boing Boing
Is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
No! It’s Haggis-Man!
It is quite clearly Torquemada. Hopefully Nemesis the Warlock is around somewhere to thwart his evil.
While obviously something attached to a drone… I’m going to go with demonic apparition.
Hmm. Looks like a pillow with arms and legs and a KKK hood. Mike Lindell, what are you doing floating around Scotland?
Ghosts in the photograph never lie’d to me
I’d be all of that
I’d be all of that
A false memory
Would be everything
A denial my eliminent
What was that for?
What was that for?
What would you do if you saw spaceships over Glasgow?
Would you fear them?
Every aircraft
Every camera
Is a wish that wasn’t granted
What was that for?
What was that for?
Try to be bad
Try to be bad
Yet the video doesn’t show the helicopter and the tow line…
Dang…if only Lynsey had been a little quicker to get to the focus knob we could’ve all clearly seen it was a balloon of sorts. Looks a bit like the famous Scottish poet Ewan McTeagle tbh…
Am I really the only one who can see this is Spongebob and Patrick?
All I can see is the outline of a final fantasy black mage.
Vivi or a Black Waltz? The difference is important.
It’s a weather balloon. It’s always a weather balloon.
It can’t have been Supergran. She lived on the border between Scotland and Newcastle upon Tyne. You know, the one that the Ordnance Survey don’t put on the maps.