Originally published at: At JR's Appliance Museum, the hot dog electrocutor can fry five wieners at once | Boing Boing
For a moment I thought this store was back in business with exciting new products.
We had one of those Presto Hot Doggers growing up. One of my dad’s co-workers gave it to us for Christmas when I was 13. Nothing like the smell of ozone mixed with burning hot dogs to stir up your appetite. As I remember it was a nightmare to clean.
Yeah, reaching into crevices guarded by spikes doesn’t sound fun.
Just had two Johnsonville Turkey Cheddar Bratwurst in the air fryer.
Other than a stick over an open fire the air fryer has got to be the perfect hot dog cooker.
I do Remember the Presto hot dog cooker when we were kids.
Heh- the presto unit was featured on Big Clive’s Youtuve channel a few years ago, and while it’s designed in a reasonably safe manner, it’s still pretty scary and it’s entirely possible to give you the zap of your life off it if you work at it.
I agree. The air fryer is great for hotdogs. It’s become my go to in recent months.
Remember a kid in high school made one as a project. Some nails, and a 110 volt plug. Probably nice and lethal.
We had one of these cool toasters… https://antiquetoasters.synthasite.com/resources/DSCF0034.JPG
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