that’s pretty wild. nothing about who won had more votes or what democracy stands for. just, our team within a team is the best team. we should keep power if we can, even if it’s wrong
it occurs to me that the prosecutors can’t even try to argue this. they have to make it about the question of whether a person who can’t legally bring a gun across state lines can do so and then use it to kill someone. anyone.
they can’t allow it to be a question of who the (what can they even call them?) “the formerly alive” were, because then it becomes a question of what their killer believed - and that’s always going to go the fresh face, white guy’s way
the judge seems to be acting just like brock turner’s judge. it’s deeply troubling stuff
Good point. They have to stick to the facts. Was this the defendant’s gun? No. Did he take it across state lines? Yes. Did he kill with it? Yes. We’re done here. Guilty.
I was thinking that too. “Promising Young (White) Man Whose Bright Future We Must Not Destroy For A Mistake Anyone Could’ve Made” Syndrome.
Well, they made a lot of bad decisions up to this point, why stop now?
Hostetter agreed on the condition that the attorney not have “any association with secret societies such as Yale’s Skull & Bones, Freemasonry, or other organizations that require oaths or vows of secrecy that often feed into the masonic lodges such as the Elks Club, for example, which could potentially be a big part of my case.”
Like…they’re going to tell you about their membership to which they have sworn secrecy never to admit?
The judge likes what he was promising.
Points off for misuse of “schizophrenic,” but, yeah.
Christopher ‘Crying Nazi’ Cantwell Watched Tucker Carlson to Prepare for Charlottesville Trial: Report
Wow, that goes places.
I don’t think Elk’s Club members take an oath not to reveal that they are Elk’s club members. What does the guy have against bingo?
The more I think about this the more it becomes clear to me that if the Republicans win Congress in 2022, it won’t matter who you vote for in 2024.
yeah. that’s my worry as well. i think the presidency could still be up for grabs but the house and most certainly the senate
i wonder more and more if they aren’t willing to ax the filibuster and push through voting rights bills, could the dems please please get dc statehood going
to me it seems to be the only practical chance of breaking the gop’s hold
It’s a civil suit, so no chance of that. However, Cantwell currently is in prison.