Originally published at: Attorney took contraband into jail then gave the world this mugshot - Boing Boing
And you complain we don’t publish enough wonderful things.
Those phones look pretty large to smuggle. Maybe he would have gotten away with it if he’d just gone with the suppository model:
…that’s what got me here. I’m 26 years old, i got nothing to show for it.
I guess not every attorney can be expected to have those bus-stop-ad good looks.
I guess you can tell just by looking which attorneys are willing to smuggle drugs into jail for you
Oh my Dog, why is he so
Y’all don’t; the ratio of “wonderful” to ‘mid’ is incredibly disproportionate these days… to say nothing of the content that is bare minimum effort…
I’ll take bare minimum effort over AI sludge.
When it comes to that contributor, methinks they are one in the same.
This is Steve Buscemi’s leading man moment!

Y’all don’t; the ratio of “wonderful” to ‘mid’ is incredibly disproportionate these days
What would you like more of?
Serious question?
- More posts about science/innovation which don’t involve MLL or “AI”
- More human interest stories that are not depressing
- More nerdy content of the sort that BB used to be known for
Understood, I just assumed it wasn’t more “horrific attorneys of Mississippi’s 2nd judicial district, F-I”
I cant admonish the authors for posting current events and politics; that’s impossible to ignore.
Still, having a better ratio of things that are actually ‘mostly wonderful’ to balance out all that “unavoidable reality” would be great…
Five and Dime Saul Goodman.
Makes Lionel Hutz look like Perry Mason.

we don’t publish enough wonderful things
… today’s wonders include “traumatizing marriage proposal” and “how to get gonorrhea”