Attraction vs Objectification

@codinghorror Such a dial exists, btw. Cardio. As a distance runner, I’ve been aware since high school, but the research is much more recent.

I can’t find it now, but maybe 7 or 8 years ago, the first paper found that testosterone levels drop when your daily average run gets too much above 4 miles or so (lower than the commonly stated 40 miles a week).

I’ve noticed it with lower impact cardio as well, but it takes a longer workout to notice it. Running is hard on your body.


Well, was dragged out of bed by the neighbors to go see Real Madrid win the Champion’s League trophy today on the big screen (Cinepolis Theaters). Now that was a smorgasbord of man-flesh.


The New York Times has an article in the latest film censorship news from Moscow. Honestly, I don’t know if it fits here, but as I read more deeply, it struck me as very odd indeed.

Bared Breast Enthralls a Future Czar, and Stokes a Russian Culture War

MOSCOW — It is an eye-catching wardrobe malfunction that beguiles a future czar.

A young, nubile ballerina named Matilda Kshesinskaya, gliding across the stage of St. Petersburg’s storied Mariinsky Theater, briefly exposes her left breast when her white camisole leotard comes undone.

It is 1890, and Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich, heir to the Russian empire, sits in the audience, electrified.

The costume drama featuring this moment, a film called “Matilda” after the dancer, is not due out until October. Yet the release of trailers of that scene, and a few others depicting the torrid affair that follows, was enough to ignite a firestorm in Russia’s culture wars.

The problem is that this not just any historical figure. This is a Russian Orthodox Saint. And in Putin’s Russia, the prosecutors take blasphemy very seriously.

The main objection from the church is that because Czar Nicholas II and his wife were canonized in 2000, the movie is an insult to the faithful, which is a crime in Russia.

Oh, it gets worse…

Ms. Poklonskaya commissioned a four-member panel to review the film, including specialists in religious studies, literature and psychology. Some of them served previously on advisory committees that condemned the punk rock protest band Pussy Riot and a Siberian version of the opera “Tannhäuser,” which was subsequently closed.

The panel’s 40-page report proclaimed that “Matilda” denigrated Nicholas’s image, not least because Kshesinskaya was judged far too “ugly” to have attracted his attention. Although the affair is well documented in personal letters from both protagonists in the state archives, the report called their liaison a “myth.”

The fact that the actress playing Kshesinskaya, Michalina Olszanska, has a “satisfactory appearance” changes nothing, since most viewers will recall the real ballerina, the report said. (The panel also damned the choice of a German actor, Lars Eidinger, to play Nicholas, describing him as a “pornographic” star because he appeared naked in a recent Peter Greenaway movie.)

So I think this news report intersects intriguingly with this little discussion-- if you disagree, make arrangements with the mods.


Holy crap.

I mean, I knew Russia was crazy (my ex’s family is from Georgia, they fled before Georgia got indepence, the stories they had, I wish I’d kept his grandmother in the divorce!) but man, I didn’t know they were retconning living history crazy! Thats an extra level of crazy!


Late to the party here, but those were some great links.

I bet the same men who were upset that the woman agreed with their “compliment” would then be all like, “whatsamatta, can’t take a compliment?” on the flip side.


Heve you ever listened to the Vaginal Fantasy Book Club podcast?

It’s a little weird.




Let’s go with elephants. The natural way to run a society is to have women exist in society and run everything, and to banish men to be loners in the wilderness.

I’d put substantial money down that Louis CK is very depresssed.


You mean that’s not how human society really works?

I’d love to communicate through ELF though, so maybe we can borrow that from the elephants.


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