Originally published at: Audiobook narrator explores the sound of faerie flatulence | Boing Boing
I’m farting, right now!
(Disclosure: I am not a faerie.)
My two kids are firmly in the potty-humor phase (we are currently trying to figure out which play-doh-pooping toys will be less of a flash in the pan for xmas this year…) so this is one for the “hey guys, check out what I saw on bOINGbOING today… (pause for mocking repetitions of “Boing! Boing!”)”
What exactly do faeries eat anyway?
Oh, that explains it. . . lactose intolerance.
This is another reason faeries evolved wings…to fan the air after they fart.
I was on the edge of my seat, waiting to see what she came up with. That… that is “the one.” Definitely the sound of a tiny magical asshole.
The sanctity of our home has on occasion been viciously disturbed by faerie flatulence.
because someone on bbs (@Robbo) recently gifted me with the knowledge of Michael Sowa…
I’d picture them more of the Silent But Deadly type of farter.
She’s not wrong that some people are just bullies and bullies will find something to be a bully about…
It’s almost like the REAL problem is the bullies, not the rest of us… but that can’t be right. After all, anyone who is bullied deserves it… Just ask the former president/Bully in chief /s
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