Author Michael Chabon recreates the Science Fiction section from the bookstore of his youth

Welcome aboard! In my time I was seeing the Frazetta covers for so many books, plus Galaxy and If magazines. I always started at the end the alphabet, closer to the Jack Vance and Roger Zelazny, and don’t get me started on Cornell Woolrich searches.

I almost forgot all the Ace Doubles!

Star Trek Hello GIF by Paramount+


Is Jack Chalker missing?

Vance, Zelazny, and Chalker have been completely forgotten these days.

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Between my brother and myself, we had so many of these books, in these exact same editions. Our “local” was Hole-In-The-Wall Books in Falls Church, VA, which had a deep selection of sci-fi and fantasy, as well as weekly comics. And I’ll confess that I’m one of those who read the Star Wars novel before seeing the movie, in my case about a week before.


Our family used to use Hole in the wall too!. I think it’s still in business, but I have to restrict myself to places within walking distance these days.

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