Authorities seize Andrew Tate's luxury cars

I do not spend much time in those parts of the internet. What’s the deal with fascism promising men wives and children? (Hopefully for different purposes, but still gross!)
Are right wingers really promising that?
My brow is so furrowed right now.


In terms of Eco’s Ur-fascism, it’s one of the socio-economic benefits for male followers that’s in-line with The Cult of Tradition (1) and Machismo and Weaponry (12). These promises are one of the reasons that incels and other entitled denizens of the manosphere find an affinity with fascism.


How’s it supposed to work though? Like, I can easily imagine a government putting crippling taxes on being single or childless, forcing people together. But that doesn’t mean anyone is going to pick him, it just means now his situation is financially desperate.

So maybe arranged marriages? But why would anyone want that, where you don’t get to pick whether your wife is someone you’re even remotely attracted to? It’s not like fascists have a secret store of submissive Aryan supermodels for everyone…all he would end up with is someone very sorry she couldn’t find literally anyone else before she got shackled to this selfish stranger.

You’d think even incels would figure out that’s not going to make them happy…so I guess, as usual, the cruelty must be the whole point. :frowning:


They imagine a new society in which all women will be submissive and obedient.


Like most promises offered by fascist regimes for benefits, I’d imagine they’d ultimately be false ones or cons. That said…

How about if that tax is only levied on single and/or childless women? Fascists don’t care about the appearance of fairness once they take power.

Either way, you’ve hit on a mechanism that’s actually used in governments, including non-authoritarian ones, to promote marriage. In the U.S. getting married gives you a bunch of tax advantages that single people never get.

The fascist follower is conned into believing that party membership, utility and loyalty to the regime, etc. guarantees someone like himself special treatment and luxury goods. Submissive Aryan supermodels might be one of those “luxury goods” that these selfish dweebs feel they will get access to once their awesomeness is recognised. In the end – like everything about fascism – it’s ultimately a false promise to the rubes because as you note:


The beauty of fascism is that so many men will be sent off to die in glorious wars that there is bound to be a surplus of ladyfolk for the survivors to choose from.


It boggles the mind that the same group who screams about the government being incompetent, corrupt, and evil is also saying they want the government to assign someone to have access to them while they sleep.


Hitler himself said so.

The greatest fighter deserves the most beautiful woman … If the German man is to be unreservedly ready to die as a soldier, he must have the freedom to love unreservedly. For struggle and love belong together. The philistine should be glad if he gets whatever is left

— Adolf Hitler


Meh. Tate is a provincial baron of toxic masculinity. “King” gives him way too much credit.


Final paragraph:

Why does Tate really appeal to young men? Well, like everyone else, young men are susceptible to the idea that they are special, deserving and that others are to blame for their problems. And like everyone else, they will behave as badly as society permits. The west is still replete with sexist narratives. Tate is not a symptom of too much equality, but too much patriarchy. The real work is getting rid of it.


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