Originally published at: Ayahuasca trip helped rescuers find child survivors of Amazon plane crash, say volunteers and the kids' father | Boing Boing
“Shortly after, a rescue dog found the children near the crash site.”
Unless the dog had some Ayahuasca-laced kibble, I’m not seeing the connection. This really feels like a “correlation does not equal causation” moment.
Perhaps it was an equivalent exchange because the dog went missing soon after: Colombian Children Who Survived Plane Crash Found By Rescue Dog That's Now Missing
Psilocybe mushrooms and salvia divinorum were used by curanderas for millennia to help people find lost relatives and missing objects before they became all the craze with white teenagers and New Age drug shamans and Big Alt-Pharma… so maybe there’s something to it…
“We have successfully located the four children, along with an infinite number of machine elves.”
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