“Baby It’s Cold Outside” gets a tap dance twist

So what’s wrong with showing that rape culture exists? Granted, a Christmas song is the wrong place for it, but what is?

I think this song is more about slut shaming than rape culture.

Bo and Luke are doing it!? Spicy.

Yeah. My yardstick is this version, partly because it’s the first version I remember, but nah, it’s good
(looking for non-auto play version now)
Hope this works. This guy has the same link but it doesn’t autoplay when you open the page. He’s got some interesting context on there, too. I had just turned 12 y.o. when this aired.

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Hey, maybe not an auto-play version?

oh, sorry! hang on!

My partner is English, so I’m subjected to those two abominations on odd years. The Pogues can stay though.


Also, I’m guessing I may be the only person who likes “All I Want for Christmas Is You.” It may have a lot do do with the particular circumstances in which I first heard it (which was only 4 years ago – I honestly don’t remember hearing it during the intervening 18 years).

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Funny, I haven’t heard that one on ♪Deee-li-laaah♪

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And I shouldn’t be equating airplay with decency. Since I don’t actively seek the stuff out, my ears are only assaulted by what radio stations and public spaces choose to play.

Also, I completely forgot about Run DMC


Because people want Christmas songs about that vintage, loosely defined “Thomas Kincaide” period and the further we go into the future the harder it is to justify writing about that past? I dunno. The most recent dings I can think of are by The Ramones or The Waitresss. Not sure why more recent ones don’t seem to stick.


Actually, I think Frank Loesser wrote it with and for his wife, who was a nightclub singer.

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Understood, hence my earlier joke about ♪Deee-li-laaah♪ (the local station which airs her show plays 24/7 Christmas music from mid-November on; it pretty much just stays on in my car because children). I am very surprised I’ve never heard (for example) “Mama’s Shoes,” though, and I didn’t even know what it was until a friend complained about it.

I’ve never heard that particular station play this one, ever:

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Oh, that song.

I’ve never heard of “glurge” before a few days ago, but that song is all the glurge.

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What bugs me is that in the movie she never actually drinks anything, except maybe a tiny sip at the beginning. Waste of a good highball.

Oh, and speaking about suggestive Christmas songs, no love for Eartha Kitt and Santa Baby?


Uh, no. That wouldn’t explain "Well maybe just a cigarette more ". It’s clear the women is putting on a act, when she says “I oughtta say no, no, no sir. At least I’m gonna say that I tried.” In other words, she’s not actually resisting his advances. It’s obviously a dance they’re both actively engaged in.


O Freunde, nicht diese Töne!

Evey year there seems to be a lot of angst directed towards this song, which was written to be light-hearted.

Remember: everything can be creepy if you want to look at it that way. Just think about Freudian interpretations of Dorothy’s red shoes as an example

To me the message of the song has always simply been: Girl wants to end date and makes a variety of excuses of why she should leave, guy wants her to stay and makes a variety of absurd reasons why she should stay. And that’s really all there is to it.

The song could be justifiably criticized for reinforcing gender stereotypes. I will allow that.

Let’s remember, this song was written by Frank Loesser not Bill Cosby. And Frank Loesser was quite a guy. An average, plain New Yorker with an artistic soul. He’s responsible for a variety of songs with styles ranging from “Inchworm” to “Someone, Someplace.”


I’ll just leave this here…

runs away

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Oooh, and ya got a kewl GIF in there too

Came here expecting a debate on if the song is/isn’t rapey. Was not disappointed.