“Baby It’s Cold Outside” gets a tap dance twist

I’ve wondered about that “what’s in this drink?” line, and whether “Spanish Fly” and such were already well known by then.


Rapey or not rapey aside, I kept thinking “boy, that floor needs refinishing.”

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Spoken like an average guy, I guess.

I wonder what the gender balance is in terms of defense of versus disdain for this song.


I believe she was expecting something alcahol-based, but instead he served her Ovaltine.


Ya, no doubt. :confused:


It’s a debate absolutely worth having and no bit of culture should have a protective shield over it; the reaction “not this crap again” i dismiss wholeheartedly. See the reaction to the times square kiss, yes she was very likely forced so accept that and play your part to dismantle rape culture (edit: not addressing this directly to you!).

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I love me some Delilah, in a kitschy but totally unironic way.

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That one’s a classic. To think, if Charles Brown had stayed on as a staff chemist at Livermore Labs, nobody would have heard this song.

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I’m disappointed in how not disappointed I am.

:tired_face: Call me anything, but never an average guy!


That’s a quandary. Eartha Kitt brings genius to everything she does, but I HATE holiday songs, Santa Baby even more than Baby It’s Cold Outside, though comparing them it like comparing death by cancer versus death by tuberculosis. And no, I don’t hate them because they’re suggestive (which I have no issue with) or creepy (which is mildly disturbing). They’re just irritating. Even Eartha Kitt can’t redeem something so inherently annoying.


Well, I think the song’s just purrrrrr-fect.



OK, everyone, if you want to hear the true definition of a creepy song, I recommend:

I walked up the stairs like a good girl should.
He followed me up the stairs like a I knew he would.
Because a guy is a guy wherever he may be,
So listen while I tell you what this fellow did to me.

He asked me for a goodnight kiss,
I said that it’s still day.
I would have told him more except
His lips got in the way.


Or not.


Love it!


That SNL version is the first version I heard as well. Nice, but I preferred “Das Lusitania Songspiel.”

ETA: Actually Miss Piggy singing it was probably my first time, come to think of it.

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And I refer everyone once again to the second half of the video I posted above.

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I somehow managed to managed to not hear this song for twenty-six years - the first time I heard it, in 2007, I thought the band had done an amazing job working in a retro feel.

[quote="Gyrofrog, post:49, topic:91289, full:true"] Funny, I haven't heard that one on ♪Deee-li-laaah♪ [/quote]

I used to have a semi-recurring nightmare where Delilah and Michael Feldman had a child who then also got into radio.