Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round 2

To help drivers choose missions, here is where things stand with six hours to go


1A: Scratch. not happening. don’t bother

1B: The big party. If you are uncertain, or weak, this is the mission for you. With two mules, two escorts, two scouts, and three mechanics already signed up, it’s almost certainly going to be a success, and you’ll have lots of friends to share the damage with.

2 No one going. at all.

3 One Mule, One escort, One Scout signed up already. This is the high-risk high-reward mission.


Apparently, Drivers are fond of the Back Door. Mission 1 requires two mules and plenty of pals, which is happening. Definitely a safe choice.

The mechanics need to stick together in a large group with several escorts to survive this round. Mission 2 is the obvious choice, but it looks like Mission 1 is where the action is. Odd. The crucial thing is that the mechanics travel with a large pack-- safety in numbers and all that.

Mission 3 requires a mule and firepower. So far, it’s a small group, but the rewards loom large. A great choice for escorts. Scouts will need to choose carefully. This is currently my first choice.

Mission Roster

as best as I can tell. Please post corrections.

Mission 1A:
No one

Mission 1B:
Mules: Rideword @Solomon , Junior @funruly
Scouts: Rip Torn @jlw , sven larson @Tetrix
Escorts : Channing Hunter @gwwar , Sir Gonville @daneel
Mechanics: Clankenstein , Jack “knife”, Bill the BUM

Mission 2:
No One

Mission 3:
Mules: Long Haul Raul @Garg
Scouts: Major Talleyrand @peregrinus_bis , Bubba Zanetti
Escorts : Gentleman Jim Brassers @Sarcadian
Mechanics: Mad Dog (xdjio) Dorcas McGee (awjt)

“We’re here to meet a friend – Bubba Zanetti”


Hmm. I really could use some help on Mission 2. If anyone’s undecided or non-committal, I’m here for you! You do know there’s a huge stash of weapons there, right? Big weapons.

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That’s a great idea Channing, but I’m fresh out of LP.

Since I single-handedly negotiated a near 70% raise for everybody, I’d like to think some grateful soul in the great 1b conga line would pick up some scrap for the good of the group.


Clank (@davide405) already did.


~beams, all proud of bein’ so fore-thoughtyful~

Yeah, I got me a couple buckets o’ scrap, all ready to toss out the window to distract any screamers that get too close.


Right, let’s get this bloody party organised! All good men and that stuff. People didn’t mention that kind of rot where I grew up, it was all a bit bang boom zip and flying nails. Difficult to understand the attraction of politics when you’re a kid, so I ignored it all, and received my unfair share of cauliflower ears and bleeding legs. ‘Jay-sus, Mehry and Joseph’ ~crack~ comes the switch, haha not such bloody happy days.

Went back to help sort it out. Quietened down after that. Still, not here for bloody therapy, here for a crack at some fun!

I’m on for Mission 3. Committed now, well, in the sense that I’ve filled in a form and handed it over. Life in the military - forms, forms, forms. Form a line. Form a square. Form this C4 into something useful to open that door - heh! That’s more like it, plenty more where that came from!

Mission 3 why? Our humint tells us scouts are very vulnerable in Mission 1. It looks like a bloody riot - tunnels, passages, and I’d go along in an instant if I thought there was half a chance of coming out the other end in half a piece, but I preview Pinkie being dented somewhat and scratching along at the end of a tow bar, and me cursing my final meal for being asphalt.

But need you bloody mechs to soldier up - you pull mine, I’ll pat yours, that kind of thing.

Mission 2 I could be swung, but need a full team. It’s looking thinner than an Djibouti Penguin.


I would be delighted to accompany you, m’dear, but I promised @drman321 I’d look out for him on 1b, and a Gentleman’s word is his bond.

Now, should he be amenable to switching to 2, or you find another mechanic to accompany us on 2 and ‘Knife’ doesn’t mind, then it would be my absolute pleasure to escort you to the ball.


I was joking, of course.

How long until the concrete sets on this lot then?

They teach us all sorts of things we shouldn’t know in basic training. But being a Major, I’m not very bloody basic. I can do this haha!

If anyone has been wondering why it helps to team up, this might help. It shows the wonderful all-round abilities of our true friends for life the escorts, the huge bloody TQ and AR of the Mules, and the agile, lithe, speedy virtues of us Scouts - forever your friends.

And it shows just how very much the mechanics need the others, especially round that armour and firepowery bit, eh?

So team up, sort it, declare what you’re up to and we can cover all these missions and have some mutual interest, which doesn’t really seem to come about unless we declare it up the line!

Escorts eh? Heheh.



Dog ‘Mad Dog’ Jackson (@xdjio) looks to have buddied up with the Mission 3 team. All done on the QT. Well, the PM with yours truly. Not the Number 10 fella, mind, if there is still a Number 10, which I doubt! But I bet there’s a Number 11 - tax collectors will outlive us all!

Now if we get lots of step-forward braves-hommes like ol’ Mad Dog, we can slot in for Mission 2 as well.

I’m off to clean some weaponry.




“We’re here to meet a friend” – Bubba Zanetti


OK, this is getting into serious tl;dr territory! For this round, make sure I have all my HP back! And any leftover LP, use to PUMP UP MY HP to the Mad Max! I don’t even know how to calculate this and I’m a math freak. But before the dice be rollin, my stats best be SWOLLEN.

I am on Mission 3 with my League of Dubious GentleFreaks.

This is our theme song, on 8-track:

And I sprayed the TSSC Prototype down with oil, so the Zombies and bullets and what-have-you SLIDE right off…


And a bloody good addition to the gang too!

Righty, I’m off for a kip before action stations!

Bubba Zanetti, committing to Mission 3.

With an 8-Track like that along for the ride, I can’t be anywhere else.


chirst this is complex. uh, can I just get all my hit points back? and buy armour?


Dorcas McGee and his TSSC, king of the mechanics! Holy crap. Here I was lamenting how lame my stats are compared to the rest of the lot, and now I find out that I’m at the top of my class. Granted, we ride the short bus and have to go to a special classroom, but facts are facts and stats are stats. Holy guacamole, this calls for a cerebration!


Good fella Bubba! Let’s blow holes in things!

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What’s an 8-Track?

Is that like a gramophone or something?


See this? It’s a 8-track