Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round 2

Clank my man, did you see my request for work to be done?

Stretch (@jonaseggeater) - repair kit for 4 LP
Clank (@davide405) - 2 x 6HP repairs for 2 LP total
Stretch again - 4 x 2HP repairs for 4 LP total
Stretch - 7 x EN at for 7 LP total

Lots to go to Stretch, but if you’d be kind enough to treat me with the honeyed touch you did Junior, I can afford a little more EN to get things working better than they already are!

Tiffin and a chinwag? I should cocoa!

Holy crow! I guess I musta not got all the sleep rubbed outa my eyes. Thank you for givin’ me a nudge there.

I’ll be glad to help y’all out. Since us mechanics are fightin’ for business now, you betcha I’ll do that work, and cheap… I mean… um, I won’t charge much. 1LP buys my wrench services.

I know y’all have a choice ‘mongst mechanics, and I thank you for choosin’ Clank!

You’re doing fine job old fellow, busy as anything around here!

So I think that becomes

Stretch please can you roger that? eh?! haha! Roger it! The oldies are the goodies. Reminds me a show as a kid, black and white tele we had, at least until the … oh hold on! Never mind eh?!

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Seems like joining you guys for the backdoor on the Skunkworks seems smart. Mind if a little ol’ Porsche tags along?

Not one little bit. Welcome to the team!

Calling all hands! Mmmm who’s up for Mission 3 then??

Sure you can. Just ask nicely!

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{pushes those 2LP back to Clank.}

Look, kid. A deal made in the waste is a deal. Ain’t no hard feelings if a better deal shows up later.

{singing} There’s people running ‘round loose in the world, ain’t got nothin’ better to do than make a meal of some bright eyed kid.

Like you. Now Go get yerself some extra armor so you’ll be around to fix us up next round.

The line for 1b can form up on me. All are welcome, just as long as all the other missions aren’t in jeopardy of too few drivers.


Given what goes on in those drivers seats, I’m not sitting in another driver’s space until industrial levels of cleaning have been done.


Live Better. Work Union.

My Grandfather was a Shop Steward for Studebaker (really), so I support the Mechanics refounding the UAW. As I once heard in a galaxy far, far away, “Self-interested cooperation is the basis of all success”

Three points.

  1. I will be using you, “Knife” @drman321, for my repair work – so that’s one 1 LP

  2. I will give you one additional LP to help found the UAW. Think me as the first dues paying member.

  3. Good luck organizing!!!

Here is the list of mechanics. I highly recommend using the BBS private message tool as your Union Hall.

@drman321 Jack “Knife” Boyer and UAW shop steward
@Mister44 Jacky Blacque
@beanbreath bean
@William_Holz Morton
@xdjio Dog ‘Mad Dog’ Jackson
@davide405 Clankenstein
@awjt Dorcas McGee
@blckjckdavey Micky McKinley a.k.a “Sponge”
@webiii1976 Bill the BUM

“We’re here to meet a friend – Bubba Zanetti”


Solidarity, brothers (and sisters)!


Well shucks…

Junior, I’d call you a gentleman if’n I didn’t think that might be an insult to you.


I’m just gonna scoot on over to Stretch and spend these here plates then. I’ll be back in time plenty o’ time to make the mission start, you can bet on that.


Sorry for bein’ a latecomer, I didn’t realize a new round started (aside - tips for where this is announced?) plus those 3000 enocunters took a bit of wind out of my sails. I’ll buy parts (sorry, I need to take some time to read through how to do this) but I like fixin’ shit up.

Unimog proved her worth this time around, that skull-crushin’ articulation worked out real nice.

Who else needs some mechanic’ing? And other mechs out there… I’ll sure consider joining your union if you prove your awesomeness.

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Give nine Mechanics one LP to fight over, so they won’t get along enough to unionize, and prices stay low!

I see what you did there…

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Expect a rates and services post from me later this afternoon.

Cougar, who’s selling scrap steel?

@funruly @davide405 The convoy going to mission 1b could use some scrap to help distract screamers. Might want to ask some folks to save a few LPs for this.


Hi all,

We’ve been listening in on the chatter and man, is it ever confusing. We need to keep track of who’s going where, if nothing else so we know that we’re getting all the warranty cards and other salvage we need for the Ark.

I’ve got a ledger set up in my glove box where you can write down your choices for this round. It’s very important that you do so!

Here it is!

Please also broadcast your selections over the air [i.e. in this thread] so I can double check, and if you’re forming a team to tackle a mission, make sure it’s obvious. If you’ve already broadcasted anything don’t worry, you don’t need to do so again (unless you change your mind about something).

[You can edit your Google Forms submission at any time if you save the link it gives you after submission - please try to do that instead of submitting again if you need to change anything.]

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You can get scrap steel by buying extra EN upgrades and not applying them to your vehicle. Stretch will be sure to give you something that isn’t actually usable on your vehicle (but Stretch is Stretch, and will charge you the normal price).

Write this in the “Other” field in my glove box ledger. You can bring more than one hunk of scrap, but you probably don’t want to spend too much on it.

p.s. you can’t just get scrap from a burnt-out car, such as the ones outside of the Skunkworks and Navy Yard entrances, because the Screamers have already taken what they want from those. I’ve informed Stretch what specifically Screamers like, so he’ll provide something good for you.


apparently not.

I gave an budding union organizer some encouragement and the first contribution to his organizing budget.

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