Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round 2

1 and 3 look okay. The Major is rather on his own on Mission 2, I think.

This sort of pragmatic talk worries me. Looks like I better join this Backdoor project - the extra TorQue will come in handy when Junior Pancakes peels out on all that spilled syrup.

Iā€™m not excited about getting covered in Roaches but if thereā€™s free repairs in it then Wordā€™s gonna ride with Knife.

[quote=ā€œdrman321, post:108, topic:20915ā€]
Now youā€™re talking my language. That Stark Skunkworks stash has my name all over it. Free repairs to whoever helps me get it. [/quote]

@drman321 Bring the Moonshine, Knife. I got a feeling a little general anestheticā€™ll make Rex way more pliable once I catch him.

Hey Stretch lemme get a couple catalytic converters. Mine are falling apart.

@Donald_Petersen Mission 1b
@JonasEggeater 2x Parts exchange; 2 LP > +2 EN

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Revised purchases based on going rates, and now that the mechanics are waking up.

Stretch (@jonaseggeater) - repair kit for 4 LP
Jack-ā€œKnifeā€ (@drman321) 23 HP for 1LP bringing me up to 49 HP, or 75%.
Back to Stretch, for a top-up, 16 HP for 8LP.
Also from Stretch,
+4 EN of quality car parts, for 4LP.

For mission selection, I think Iā€™d prefer 1b myself, because my relatively low EN (for a Mule) is going to make 1a unnecessarily risky, and not too much to do on mission 2.

Iā€™ll be shutting down for the night, so if no protests in the morning, then Iā€™m for 1b, but if
two Mules for 1b is a bad use of Mule, then 1a and I better be compensated if I get completely
infested by APCā€™s.

phbbthtttā€¦ sorry, let me get the sand out of my mouth.

Hey, you - yeah, you all just hanging out on the beach with me staying out of the way of all the ruckus and posturing over by the Ark and at the junkyard.

I donā€™t know if you heard Cougar earlier, but apparently Iā€™m a naive socialist and my ideas about how post-apocalyptic society works are flawed. Why canā€™t we all just get along? But Iā€™m not dismayed!

Rolling with this cross-section ofā€¦ humanity? will give me excellent material for the next edition of my book, and maybe it will actually be useful to wasteland wanderers who may find it in the future (Iā€™ll take Mars, thanks - Iā€™ll have to leave a forwarding address so people can send me fan mail).

As you may know, I have essentially no armor and very little firepower. But I do have ENgineering out the wazoo, and yes, I have extra knowledge of the Navy Yard. I can get us something extra special, if I have some protection. I didnā€™t mention it earlier because I donā€™t remember exactly where it is - Iā€™ll know it when I see it. That was before I started writing things down (actually, that was why I started writing things down).

Itā€™s an enormous risk for me, but hereā€™s my proposal. Any of you beach bums who donā€™t feel like toughing it out over the airwaves to figure out who to join up with can join me on Mission 2. Every type of vehicle welcome!

With my high engineering skill, I should be able to get us past some of the guard bots and flame carts, but we will almost certainly suffer a bit of damage doing so. We will have to deal with the self-driving cars, but if you ride with me, those with higher firepower and armor will automatically take on the self-driving cars to protect those of us with lower stats (in exchange, mechanics among you should offer your services to the rest of us, itā€™s only fair). While you run around looking for things to salvage, Iā€™ll be looking for that something special.

Thereā€™s only one catch, and Iā€™ve been advised I should probably tell you upfront: we will be redistributing some of our salvage to those in need (~25% or so).

If you want full salvage rights, youā€™ll have to team up with someone else (or go it alone). Other crews taking on Mission 2 are fine (and your risks donā€™t change from the original assessment). But if youā€™re more concerned about living another day than maximizing your profits, join me!


((edit: not enough room in my inventory for original order, also:typo))

Hi there Stretch! I donā€™t ā€˜spose you remembahā€™ me from Tijuana? NO? Well I donā€™t expect ya would it was a WILD night down there, but you DID tell me if I was evahā€™ in dez parts to visit your junk yard PARTS MUSEUM if I ever passed through, well here I amā€¦ YEAH BUDDY!

No, still donā€™t membahā€™ eh? Okay den in that case you just take my LPā€™s and Iā€™ll be takin:

Plumbing Upgrade (1LP)

Window Bars (1LP)

Light Plating (2LP)

Retreaded Tires (set of 2) (5LP + 1 spare tire) (1x5 EQ)

x5 Repair parts Kit (1LP each) (5x1 EQ)

Chain Gun (3LP)


Anticipating trouble down the road? Keep in mind that Parts Packages you buy for the jobber price (that is, with your 75% Mechanic discount) are only usable on your own boo-boos. No selling them to other customers, whether at a profit or no mark-up. Non-Mechanics must buy their own parts packages at full retail from authorized dealers (or find them lying aroundā€¦ it could happen!).

Once they have their parts, you can fix them up for whatever labor cost you negotiate, even free. But they always need to buy their own parts.

Exception: Any player can buy an extra Parts Package for full retail and stash it in their Inventory. Then they can use it later on, or sell it to another player for whatever price they want. But it first needs to have been either bought for full price from the junkyard, or scavenged from the environment. Parts packages bought at discount by Mechanics may only be used to repair that Mechanicā€™s vehicle, either immediately or down the road.

So yeah, you can buy 8 repair parts kitsā€¦ but you can only use them on yourself.


He canā€™t use them on others of courseā€¦that just wouldnā€™t be cricket.

But things like repair kits, and, oh, licence plates have a habit of falling off cars. Who knows who might find them?

okay thanks for the clarification, I was planning to disregard Stretchā€™s threats and use the parts to save lives for ā€œfreeā€ (ā€œbuild alliancesā€) down the road, so you caught me! :smile:

I donā€™t think I can carry that many repair kits anyhow (the spare tire takes 5 spaces and 1 space per kit = + 5 kits) so I already had edited my last postā€¦

I also had intended to spend all of my LP but didnā€™t realize until I saw a later post that California requires two plates and I actually had 17 totalā€¦

I will reedit my purchase post and adjust my inventory, thanks for the heads up/gm ruling!

Marry, 'tis true. Weā€™ll let you know if any cross your path. :wink:

There is no actual state of California anymore. The closest thing to a government is, wellā€¦ not looking so good these days.

All the LPs in your possession are spendable. Anyone who tries to pull you over for expired or missing tags, you have our permission to shoot to kill.


CHANNEL 1-9, CHANNEL 1-9: BBUM - Jack Burton Jrā€¦

Radio feedback

BBUM - Jack Burton Jr: if yer reading me on the TCB (Telepathic-Citizens-Band) count me in, Skunkworks back door iz gonna B A tuff road 2 travel, U all R gonna need da BUM in da field wit U. My HOOK may help pull dat door down 2!

C1-9, C1-9: BBUM OUTā€¦

Staticā€¦ ZZZzzzzZZzzzā€¦


Bloody right there - converting to Mission 3! Always useful to get a bit more intel; never shameful to swtich avenues when youā€™ve got new mission paramaters eh?!

Mission 3 for me and Pinkie, and an outrageous laugh it will be!



I think that fellaā€™s nose is caught in treads of Pinkies front left tyre. Big chap, yes?

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Well, quite. Jolly interesting, all this.


Cup of cha and a chat?


Itā€™s a post-apocalyptic nightmare world, of course thereā€™s DRM on the repair kits.

ps- our Driver Seats are also biometrically tied to each ownerā€™s assprint, so I canā€™t even take that Elan for a joyride.


Not sure that I made myself clear last time around. Being a foreigner one can never be to careful.
Here goes:

Stretch (@JonasEggeater):
1 repair kit = 4 LP

Trade in 2 tires, out of which one is flat, for 2 new tires = 5 LP (Not sure how this affects me, seeing how one tire is flat).

3 new car parts for +3 EN = 3 LP

Clanck (@davide405):
Offer still stands, 5 LP for 20HP, but since I havenā€™t heard from you I guess youā€™re busy. If you donā€™t reply before missiontime, Iā€™ll have to go to the bum Bill (@webiii1976). In that case 1 LP for 20HP. Either way, this will bring me up to 31,5 hp

Leaving me with either 0 or 4 LP. In case I got 4 left, given that there is time before we roll out, Iā€™ll get me 2 more new car parts and some light plating for +2 EN and +3AR.

Missionwise I will take Junior (@funruly) up on his offer and go with him on 1b.

Klart som korvspad? Thatā€™s swedish. Means ā€œclear as the water you cook sausages in?ā€ Or like ā€œall ok?ā€.

I miss the old countryā€¦


Honey jumps out of her Twister, pulling up her pants with one hand and running the other through what hair is left to run through. This world is a dirty world and most of those young manes started turning to dreadlocks years ago. ā€œHiyah all, nice to add some faces to those voices!ā€
Honey is particularly chipper, especially compared to those gnarly frowns all around. Unlike the fellows around this youngster doesnā€™t remember a time when the earth was ā€˜a better placeā€™. The mere concept seems absurd to her. So she isnā€™t weighed down by what she doesnā€™t know. But although itā€™s a kick to survive each day, she would fall in the naive category in hoping that maybe, just maybe, she wouldnā€™t have to fear death every day on Mars.

ā€œFucking damnit!ā€ the rider curses under her breath as she fiddles with her matches. Finally freeing one, striking it on her shoe and lighting a free cigarette. ā€œDamn that was one awesome milkshake but for f*cks sake that bitch took my fingers! Not that you could tell what gender this one subscribed to, those hints must have fallen of long ago. Regardlessā€¦ Mike Nervous (@kingannoy), I heard your idea of new fingersā€¦ I wouldnā€™t mind getting in on that action if either of you are up for it. Iā€™m willing to pay for it! ā€˜I aint no charity caseā€™ as my momā€™d say. Whatever that means. Haha!ā€

"That reminds me, Iā€™d like some repairs and such if I can!
Stretch (@JonasEggeater) : Could I get from you a repair kit and brought up to 100% again? As I read it, that should cost me about 8 LP right?
And I wouldnā€™t mind some extra AR so how bout some plating for 2LP?

Now we might not look like much to you old boobs but Twister 'n me are some of the fastest girls around. This lady can run! I wouldnā€™t mind helping out on either 1 missions, or even on number 2. The third mission is great for glory but Iā€™d like to give back every once in a while.

Now to decide what to do with those last LPā€™sā€¦ Canā€™t take um with me when I dieā€¦ A flamethrower or a Chain gun? Well I guess Iā€™ll leave that up to my mission. So which one of you boys wants to take me?? I meanā€¦ Needs a fast scout. Mhm."


~Clank awakens from a too-long nap~

Dang! I snoozed so I losed. Seems like the ā€˜going rateā€™ for wrench work fell to a flat 1LP per repair job, no matter the number of dents and dings involved.

@funruly Junior, looks like I owe ya some change ~hands over 2LP~ I canā€™t have you regrettinā€™ you made a deal with me, so Iā€™m gonna match the best rate around.

@tetrix Ifā€™n you ainā€™t gave up on me already, Iā€™ll be glad to do the wrench work you need, but I canā€™t take all of them LPs youā€™re wavinā€™ my way. 1LP is all Iā€™ll take, and Iā€™ll get ya fixed up as good as I can (75%).

@JonasEggeater Stretch, Iā€™m back again, like a lost rad-puppy. I used that repair kit to get myself fixed up as good as I could, but seems like I ainā€™t learned all the mechanic tricks ā€˜o the trade just yet. I still need some work to get back up to full strength, so hereā€™ 3LP to top me off.

While weā€™re at it, Iā€™d like to get me some improved parts. A worm couldnā€™t get under my ride without scrapinā€™ itā€™s head, and that donā€™t sound like such a good deal when I might get infested with APCs. So Iā€™m spending 'bout all of my LPs on the suspension (improved EN).

And since killinā€™ Screamers with fire is the surest way, Iā€™m spendinā€™ what little I got left on a flamethrower.

@funruly Junior, I sure hope thereā€™s room for me on the mission to the Skunkworks backdoor. Since us mechanics seem to be a dime a dozen just now, Iā€™ll do all repair work for all allies on this mission for free, long as yā€™all can bring your own repair kit. ā€˜til some of us excess mechanic types go to that great junkyard in the sky, looks like weā€™ll be livinā€™ on charity.

((ooc: This space reserved for a later edit to get all the purchases declared with the correct accounting of LP

  • Licence Plate start 17 +1 from each of (funruly Tetrix peregrinus_bis) +2 from Juniorā€™s sense of honor = 22LP
  • 1 Repair Parts kit = 21LP
  • 7HP repaired to get back to 100% = 18LP
  • 1 Flamethrower = 17LP
  • 2 buckets of scrap steal for Screamer bait = 15LP
  • +13EN points, the better to resist APCs = 2LP
  • 1 increment of light plating for +3AR = 0LP