Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Round Six

Presumbly the same way he managed back in Oz: by only taking the easy meat.

Early in his career, Mr. Rockastanksy did a number on the manic depressive NightRider, but onlyafter Nightrider went depressive. Mr Madness also did just fine when he ambushed folks from behind – who were on motorcycles.

Model Maxine did survive two scrapes with Humongous, but only when he had the support of Papagallos organization, just managed to get hiself killed. When Addled Max struck out on is own he didn’t so well. Humungous’s people kicked his ass. Twice. And then then Melanie got his car jacked because no one had his back

Yes, Disturbed Melanie is dangerous. But only because he is willing to GO THERE and be utterly self-destructive. The way to deal with this kind of person is to avoid the one-on-one, and let him destroy himself. It’s what he wants, after all.

In the meantime, a guy named Jimmy Thach worked out long ago a low risk way take out a faster, more maneuverable opponent when the opponent is solo and you have a team.

Mental Melanie never has a team.

Sir Gonville, I’m your wingman for as long you’ll have me.