Badass Dragons of the Wasteland - Sign up here!

Hey everyone! I am the friend of @Garg, and am very interested in joining this game. I know I’m probably too late for Mission #1, but that’s fine, I’ll jump in at #2. What does the group need? A mule? Scout?

Thanks for the opportunity, I’m excited about this.


Given the game your avatar comes from, I’d say you should be a truck driving Mule :smile:

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There are a lot of Scouts and Mechanics, but fewer Mules and Escorts. You can be whatever you want, but I think that the game will be more fun for everybody if the roles are more balanced.

@Donald_Petersen, could you send him a registration form?

P.S. - Welcome!

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“It takes more than the vehicle is a mule - it also needs jackass spirit.”

We may be illiterate, but some of use can still work Google Translate


Awwright, whose mother did he just insult?!


Huh. You mean Egg Chen was insulting me the whole the time?

Yeah I guess that makes sense.


I’m revved and ready, or waitlist me if there is too much rubber on the road.

Thanks for posting it on BB or I would have missed it.

I’ll wait for a PM with registration details or heartfelt condolences.


@Donald_Petersen, please take note!

@Solomon, you should be good.

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Nothing escapes the wasteland!

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Are you looking for a signup form? If so, @Donald_Petersen is the fellow to talk to.

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Sorry I’m late!

Name - Fink
Make - Decrepit 1927 Ford Model T Coupe
Class - Escort

Hey, look. I was born ugly, man. Like, real ugly, right? Some cats think it was from the fallout, others assume I got mauled during The Great Cannibal-Zombie War. I can’t be bothered to correct them.

Back in the day I would hang with a gang of gearheads and drag racers out on Sandworm Flats. I was a kind of mascot, can you dig it? The gang was nearly finished fixing up an old beater, a rundown 1927 T- Model. They lost interest, dragged it behind the woodshed, and put two bullets in the hood. The gang left, and I stayed behind. Other cars purred or rumbled; this ride shrieked. Some kustoms were candy-coated dreams; the flames on this jalopy were painted in primer. I was in love.

Today, we soar over the irradiated dunes without a care in the world, tongue flying over my shoulder, pedal to the metal, like something that dragged itself from the Black Lagoon. I get in more crack-ups than anyone you’ll ever know, but it never shows. How could it with a busted mug like this?

In a world where everyone is racing to scrape the bottom of the barrel, we’re already the belles of the ball, baby.


OOC: wow did you draw that?

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Yeah. My computer crashed last night, and I felt bad for not contributing, so I spent the evening thinking up a story and whipping up a sketch instead to make up for it. I might take another pass at it sometime when I’m not slumber stoned.


That’s rad, look forward to more drawings as things progress.

cc: @pesco and @frauenfelder as they’ve got a thing for the ratfink stuff.


00c: I agree, more sketches! :smiley:


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